b3ta.com challenge: royal photoshop disasters
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This is a challengeRoyal Photoshop Disasters (This challenge is now closed)

royal photoshop disasters

Following Kate Middleton's dicking around with her press photo, let's go back in time and ruin every other royal photograph and portrait in history using the powers of Photoshop CS3.

(, Wed 13 Mar 2024, 22:41)
Pages: 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)

(, Thu 14 Mar, 7:49, More)
Click for bigger (228 kb)
(, Thu 14 Mar, 7:46, More)
# 30 minutes for a hawaiian? No sweat

(, Thu 14 Mar, 5:46, More)

(, Thu 14 Mar, 1:10, More)
# I Knight Thee,...Sir Vader

(, Thu 14 Mar, 0:14, More)
# That time Trump inspected the Queen's Guard with his balls out.

(, Wed 13 Mar, 23:50, More)

(, Wed 13 Mar, 23:15, More)

(, Wed 13 Mar, 23:08, More)

Following Kate Middleton's dicking around with her press photo, let's go back in time and ruin every other royal photograph and portrait in history using the powers of Photoshop CS3.
(, Wed 13 Mar, 22:45, More)

(, Wed 13 Mar, 17:40, More)
# She's been on photoshop again

(, Wed 13 Mar, 13:44, More)
# I think I got this figured out.

(, Tue 12 Mar, 22:07, More)
# Err...mmm...

(, Tue 12 Mar, 19:17, More)
# Buckingham Palace finally releases unedited photo

(, Mon 11 Mar, 23:29, More)
# Dunno what everyone's on about, looks fine to me
Click for bigger (785 kb)
(, Mon 11 Mar, 22:35, More)
# *hops on*

(, Mon 11 Mar, 21:54, More)

(, Mon 11 Mar, 16:03, More)
# Weekend at Katie’s
Click for bigger (614 kb)
(, Mon 11 Mar, 12:59, More)

(, Mon 11 Mar, 11:44, More)
# Stop tinkering with it, George!
Speaking of lack of effort:
Click for bigger (854 kb)
(, Mon 11 Mar, 9:43, More)
Pages: 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)