b3ta.com user judgeyrself
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Best answers to questions:

» Obscure Memorabilia

I think the best thing at home has to be a Neighborhood Watch sign that we stole on the way home from the pub. I don't think the neighbours were watching too closely.

Also we once had a Christmas turkey we bought off a man who lives next door to Jimmy (Chinny) Hill. We got the wrong door though and Jimmy answered, and was a little surprised when we asked where our turkey was. We don't own it any more but it was named the Jimmy-Bird for the few days we had it before it was roasted.
(Sun 7th Nov 2004, 17:17, More)

» People with Stupid Names

People who have rung at work
Working for the council we always get a few idiots ringing up. fortunately most of them have stupid names. When they say their name, we find the real reason secrecy buttons were invented, to hide the laughter

Mr Filmur-Cox
Dick Sprains
William Rash (willy rash?!)
Clive Burnascone
(Mon 30th Aug 2004, 15:34, More)

» Clients Are Stupid

Mrs Stickers and Mr Friendly
I used to work in popular high street retailers set up by Mr William Henry Smith. 2 examples of strange clients-

1. Mrs Stickers. Used to come in EVERY Saturday, same time, same till- me on it. Would ask for either a random number of packets of football/lord of the rings/etc stickers (like, "73 please") or just ask for whole boxes. She would go outside, open every single one, and then collect together all the swaps. She'd bring them back and complain she already had them and wanted a refund. Considering she bought hundreds a week, no wonder there were so many swaps. I never thought to ask if she needed any more books!

2. Mr Friendly. He used to come in every week, same time (just after Mrs Stickers) and be really friendly to everyone- but mainly talking about his coach he used to drive 30 years ago around london. He was like a character from the fast show. Not that stupid, but every week he would call you by a different name, even though you would wear a name badge. Or he would say "is phillip in today?" when there are no phillip's working there etc etc
(Fri 2nd Jan 2004, 12:41, More)