b3ta.com user JTB
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» Pet Names

Cats named by other people
My first cat was named Tuppence by my dad. I was only 7 when we got her, and was not very knowlegeable of the gynaecological slang of past times. It took 11 years, and a girlfreind to point it out, for me to realise his little joke.

When I was a bit older I got a couple of kittens from a rescue centre who were already named by their previous owners. They were brothers and were called Billy Whizz and Rizla, presumably refugees from a student or crack house. Unfortunatley Rizla got rolled (sorry) under a car about a year later, but Billy is still going strong and has deservedly earned his nickname of 'The Whore' for his willingness to jump on anyone's lap at any time.
(Thu 26th Feb 2004, 21:24, More)