b3ta.com user Stuster
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Best answers to questions:

» Conned

The bastards!!
I was around 17. I had been out drinking ALOT that night.
I got home, and decided i needed to pleasure myself.
I cant really remember, but it must have been about 3am.
So anyways, i flicked on the TV, and saw a program that sounded filth, i flicked to it to see 4 old bints talking shit.

Loose Women is not what the name suggests.
(Thu 18th Oct 2007, 15:59, More)

» Insults

You fucking lembit
Used by me on nearly everyone i meet.

Everyone finds it funny until you explain it, then its not as funny.
(Fri 5th Oct 2007, 6:21, More)

» Barred

Barred from a few places
Barred from one of my locals for fighting with bouncers. Was not my fault! He started it! lol

Barred from another local for breaking a window. (it was an accident though, pissed, fell, smashed)

Barred from Portsmouth. Apparently i was driving on the wrong side of the road and caught on cctv. I was escorted to the motorway and requested never to come back. Went there the other week shopping, because im daring like that! lol
(Thu 31st Aug 2006, 13:19, More)

» DIY fashion

This is the god sworn truth
Me and my friend were VERY drunk one night after going to the pub, to a club, then coming home and polishing off a bottle of whiskey between us. Not that i condone this brilliantly fun state or anything of course. Anyways, we thought it would be funny to fashoin superhero costume's out of a4 paper, bin liners, and a few other house hold items. Basically we ended up with some (awesome at the time anyways) masks, capes, boots and some weapons each. After about 3 and a half seconds we decided on the names "Twatman and Nobbin" and proceded to hunt the streets to fight crimes. By then this was about 4am and know one was about, other than one couple who crossed the road to escape us, and when i shouted "do you need any super hero assistance" they ran away. I WILL NOT be posting the pictures for embarresment reasons, but i have some hillarious pictures from that night!
(Fri 25th Aug 2006, 0:57, More)