b3ta.com user iwantmybed
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» Cringe!

Coming out to my dad
A few years a go, I met a guy I really liked, and as such we formed a relationship...problem was i was still living at home with my dad at the time, and he didn't know i was gay....so I thought the best way to 'come out' to him, was by simply allowing my new boyfriend to stay at our house in my room...and hope that i could just say to him...hey did this is my BF...oh by the way I am gay and carry on as if nothing had happend.

Well it didn't quite go like that...My BF stayed with me, and ended up staying for just over 2 weeks before my dad came up to me and said...son we need to have a talk......

I felt soooooo uncomfortable, and in the end had to just sit him down and blurt it out...'Dad....I am gay and **** is my boyfriend......he was very shocked as I don't come accross as a big flamboyant camp queen, and more of a 'normal' bloke....He offered to take me to a doctors to 'get you fixed'

I blamed the shock for that outburst!

I am still unaware of any doctor that can 'fix' a gay mans gayness..not that i would want to be fixed...I rather like being gay.

p.s hello to all b3tans as I am a first time poster....please be gentle with me!
(Fri 28th Nov 2008, 9:44, More)

» Cringe!

Shaving issues
I have just realised that in my blurry eyed state of semi consciousness this morning I have missed a 2cm by 2cm patch just to the side of my chin while shaving....I can't even get away with saying...oh I am experimenting with beard growth because it's not symmetrical on my face and looks absolutely ridiculous...it looks rather like I have a hairy plaster on the right of my chin made all the worse for the fact I didn't shave yesterday, so it's 2 days worth of growth patch!! Oh god.

I'll have to start keeping a bath bag and shaving kit in my work desk draws for this occasion in future, unless anyone has any better ideas or suggestions about how to disguise rogue facial hair.
(Fri 28th Nov 2008, 10:13, More)

» The thing I've been most ashamed of doing with a penis

I once had a little issue with Veet hair removal cream.

I like to keep myself nicely trimmed. Men take note.... women if you are that way inclined, and indeed other gay men prefer a nicely trimmed cock and balls in their mouth, than something that is festuned in corse hair.
Pubes between your teeth is not a good look while attempting to be sexy! I digress...

I decided that it would be labour saving to try some of my step mothers leg and airpit hair removal cream on my gentleman area, rather than my usual method of ball bag trimming with clippers and razor...I also thought (wrongly) it would be safer.

So there I was naked covering my parts in Veet egerly awaiting the smooth clean looking result that awaited. I finished applying the cream and then decided to read the instructions....it said something about leaving it on for about 6 mins or so...so i thought give it 10 mins to be on the safe side, and I'll wash it off.

Well I got a little side tracked watching Murder she wrote or something similar and sort of forgot. Forgot that is until the slight tingling sensation which I at first found to be almost horny, suddenly became well, a burning pain which felt like battery acid had just been poured over my scrotum.

I ran to the bathroom, and jumped in the shower, the smell from this stuff by this point was vile, so i grabbed at the shower head and directed it at my cock and balls......OMG!!!!!! The fire that was now raging in my pant area was unbelievable. I had to turn the shower to cold, and very carefully washed this eveil goo off myself.

After about 30 mins of 'hosing myself down' I emerged from the shower a broken man.

The Veet had done it's job...It had removed my scrotal hair, but it had also removed most of the skin on my scrotum and imediate area.

I was red raw. The pain was almost overwhelming. Thank god for Sudocream!

I had to get a 2nd opinion, to see if I should seek medical help from my friend who is a nurse. She advised me just to keep it clean and covered and use plenty of Sudocream.

Fortunately there have been no lasting effects from this, suffice to say I have gone back to the clippers and razor, as this method seems to be a hell of a lot safer!!
(Tue 17th Mar 2009, 15:33, More)

» School Days

Vandalism of school property
I remember myself and a few cohorts pulling and yanking at a science lab bench tap in my senior school. It happened to be just before half term.

The pipe leaked over the following week, and brought the entire ceiling of the class room below down.

Nobody ever owned up.

On a related note, i also decided to fill the gas pipes with water. (Water pressure being higher than the gas) I removed the rubber tube from a bunsen (spelling?) burner, and proceeded to connect it to both the gas tap and the water tap in the science lab, which also happend to be my form room. Turned on both taps for a little while, let the water do it's thing, then turned off the taps and removed the tube.

The look on pupils faves and the teachers must have bee a treat, as they would have been treated to a nice little water fall rather than a gas flame....

Oh how we laughed.
(Mon 2nd Feb 2009, 16:42, More)

» School Days

Infant school was where it started...
I was hung up a tree at the bottom of the school playing fields one lunch time. Not by a noose, but by my rather fetching duffle coat. (It was 1983)

Nobody noticed I was missing for a good few hours, when eventually a teacher found me looking rather for lawn and down beat, stuck like a turkey awaiting slaughter.

I still have nightmares to this day....and I never will forget those responsible....you know who you are!!! I'll get you back one day!!
(Mon 2nd Feb 2009, 16:33, More)
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