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We've got a local bus driver who likes to pull away slowly just to see how far old ladies with shopping trollies will chase him down the road. By popular demand - tell us your thrilling bus anecdotes.

Thanks to glued eel for the suggestion

(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 13:14)
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The only bus driver even worth remembering from my youth is Doug. Doug was not a pretty fellow, he had massive coke bottle glasses, a 'bit too neat' side parting and a set of teeth that could, at best be described as 'interesting'. In addition to this, where most drivers would wear a token item of bus company clothing on top of their normal clothes, Doug went the whole hog - bus jumper, jacket, tie, probably underwear if they made any, all topped off with a name badge proudly bearing the legend 'Doug'. This man was commitment to a job personified.

So far he's your standard jobsworth socially challenged irritant, everywhere's got one, it's no big deal. Doug, however, was the cheeriest man on the planet. Every single person who got on the bus was greeted with a hearty, singsong "helloooo, how are you?" "Goooood morning, welcome aboard!" it was impossible not to get swept up in Doug's enthusiasm.

As we were on the college bus, and there were hundreds of us at any one time, we caught onto this pretty quickly, and soon started greeting him in a similar fashion as we boarded. Ev ery morning, the bus to college would be full of happy people all welcoming each other to the bus, chatting, and being generally cheerful for no reason other than Doug.

Doug, wherever you are, you are a true legend of the bus world, and many could benefit from being more like you. I salute you.
(, Thu 25 Jun 2009, 21:11, Reply)

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