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This is a question My computer gave away my secrets

A good friend recently found out his girlfriend was pregnant when google autocomplete came up with 'symptoms of pregnancy'...

Has your googling been your undoing? Has someone found your gay porn stash? Have you had a Gary Glitter moment in PC World? Tell us how your computer has ratted on you.

(, Fri 10 Feb 2006, 10:58)
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I asked an "IT support" friend to come and upgrade the RAM on my computer. I left him to it, and tried not to worry that he'd already drank about 8 pints of wifebeater when he turned up and carried on drinking while he was doing the job.
Anyway after he left the PC wouldn't work AT ALL, it wouldn't even turn in. I rang a local IT professional to sort it all out, which he did in minutes, and we switched it on to check it worked. It worked perfecty. And what had my friend chosen for my new wallpaper while he was "working" on my PC?
A woman being stiffed up the arse by an alsation. Thanks Tim.
(, Fri 10 Feb 2006, 13:21, Reply)

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