b3ta.com user Casino_Wilhelm
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» Have you ever been rude to a celebrity?

Tony Hawk's L33t Sk8tr Twats
needs a tiny bit of backstory this - last year my mate was working at some massive skateboarding event thing for baggy-trousered oiks. Tony Hawk and various other big pro-skaters were the main attraction. i turned up late and saw them all attempting "gnarly" tricks on the half pipe and gob them up totally. What bollocks, I thought...

Anyway so we blagged into the after-party, and made a professional job of getting titted at the free bar. At the end of the night I spotted Tony Hawk and his skater dude mates. Wobbled up to them and more out of curiosity than spite asked them why it was they always fell off their skateboards when they are supposed to be professionals? Which triggered a lairy pissed-up argument between me and two of the pro-dudes about the shiteness or otherwise of skateboarding which my mate had to drag me well away from "because it looked like I was about to get twatted".

Bloody videogame characters eh?
(Thu 15th Apr 2004, 2:30, More)