b3ta.com user howmuchisthedoggy
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Profile for howmuchisthedoggy:
Profile Info:

An unemployed Samurai from West Cork living in Northern Japan.

Recent front page messages:


Best answers to questions:

» You're a moviestar baby

All sorts....
Got my kilt and blue wode on for the battle scenes in Braveheart (along with oh, about a 1000 other guys!!!) and should have gotten an Oscar for Best Walking Past a Door scene in Saving Private Ryan a couple of years later....If you know what organisation I was in to do these things....big shout out!

(Thu 11th Nov 2004, 15:57, More)

» People with Stupid Names

Japanese Company I know...
Just about kept the laughing in when I met the sales rep from a parts company the other day...

Miki Pulley

For the doubters....

(Thu 26th Aug 2004, 11:36, More)

» Booze Related Disasters

Red Cheddar
Not one of my worst, but the one that still defies explanation. College night out, lotsa beer, double jimmy shooters and of course a good feed of tequilas.

My memory is fairly fuzzy after leaving the club, but I have a vague recollection of finding a large block of cheese wedged in between the bars on the window of a local pub. I of course, loving cheese, started nibbling on it while taking both sides of the road going home.

The next thing I remember is I am standing at the front door of one of my ex and least favourite landlords trying to wedge what was left of the cheese in through his letterbox. A light coming on from inside ended this endeavour so I legged it managing to hurdle the fence in the front garden and somehow getting home.

If it wasnt for the strings of half melted regurgitated cheese strung out between my bed and the toilet the next morning no one would have believed me.......
(Fri 19th Mar 2004, 15:47, More)