b3ta.com user EmptyGreg
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» Breakin' The Law

BB Marksmen
At University in Manchester I was living in halls on the edge of the notorious 'Moss Side' estates. There were 5 of us living on the top floor of three story flats (including a Swedish guy who was never particuarly happy with our childish idiocy).

One evening one of the guys turned up at the flat with a bb gun that he'd brought up from home. After a 'couple' of beers things got pretty messy and after getting bored with shooting toast clay pigeon style, one guy dissapeared to his room returning with one of those red laser light pen thingamys and suggested that by taping it to the gun, we'd be able to aim at things better. Hurragh.

After another drink or two we thought it's be a good idea to give the guys in the bottom flat in the block opposite a bit of a scare (we didn't really like them for various reasons) Anyway, after aiming our gun we fired a couple of shots, watched them run around a bit not knowing where the shots had come from and thought nothing of it.

Obviously distressed at being shot at, they must have called the police. (We found out later that they'd seen the red dot appear on the wall and move and promptly bricked themselves!)

Policemen turned up pretty promptly and upon seeing the bbs all over the carpet of our flat then realised they'd found their marksmen and then it all got pretty serious with two of the guys being taken down to the station and cautioned (the guys who owned the gun and the laser pen and actually fired the shots at the window) The guy who owned the gun was kicked out of halls and the last I heard of him, he was in trouble with the Finnish military for hacking into one of their universities.

I think I remember an item in the university paper about it but what made me laugh was when a friend from Stoke University read about it in his Uni paper.

Looking back now though, we were twats... p.s. sorry for the long post.
(Thu 8th Jan 2004, 2:17, More)

» The last thing that made me cry

Looking on the bright side...
Okay, mebby not the last thing I cried about, but the song 'always look on the bright side of life' wells me up somewhat and it was my birthday recently...

I was listening to it whilst my mum and her boyfriend were having a blazing row. She grabbed my brother sisiter and I, and drove to my grandparents whilst that song was still playing in my head (as songs do when they're the last thing you're listening to before leaving the house).

The next day the police contacted my mum whilst we were at my grandparents to tell her that her boyfriend had killed himself.

Two days before my thirteenth birthday.

I don't celebrate my birthdays anymore.

Apologies for depressing morbidness, length doesn't matter this time.
(Fri 15th Apr 2005, 2:32, More)

» Scars with history

Skateboards are fun...
Back in the heady days of 1990, a bunch of us as kids with nothing better to do out in the west country decided we'd have a go at emulating the hard as nails luge runners that belt it down a course at incredibly high speeds at the winter Olympics on all but what looks like a tea tray.

Well we decided that due to a lack of snow / ice and not wanting to ruin our mums best tea trays, we'd give it a go down a rather steep grassy hill and we'd do it sitting on skateboards to give us a bit more speed. This hill was quite high and to re-iterate, very very steep!

It was great fun and all went well for the first couple of seconds that it took to get near the bottom until I decided that I needed to brake somehow to avoid hitting stuff at the bottom. Panicking I decide the only way I'm gonna stop is to lean to one side and I'll use my arm that's currently gripping on to the skateboard for dear life. Whoops I forget to let go and the ground rubs away a good couple of layers of skin from the top of my forearm. Doh!

My mate at the top of the hill rather helpfully shouts out to me when I stand up that my arm looks rather red from up where he is.

Cue a rather nasty scab for a good couple of weeks that itched like buggery and leaves me now with a curiously less hairy patch on my forearm and extra freckles!

No apologies for length, it's all in the genes...
(Sat 5th Feb 2005, 2:09, More)