b3ta.com user Vampiror Nightstalker
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» Terrible Parenting

I was served corn beef mash and stew on a regular basis. Now that is bad parenting. I bloody hated mash and stew!!! I was made to eat it!!!

Also if me and my brother where fighting in the car on the way home from my nans, my mum used to stop the car, tell us to walk and the drive off leaving us there!!! It was about 7-8 miles walk, I was about 10 at the time! but she did come back for us though! i did think on a few times she wasn't coming back!!

Nasty mummy!
(Thu 16th Aug 2007, 10:03, More)

» What's the most horrific thing you've seen?

When i was in primary school
Two lads where looking in to a drain in the play ground trying too see if they could find the "The Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles"(that’s what there were called when i was in to them, I know it should be Ninja) but couldn’t see them so they decided to lift the drain cover.

Whiles looking down the drain one lad had his hands over the edge and the other lad moved round to get a closer look but knocked the cover to which it closed back down and cut off some of his fingers off. All I remember is a lot of blood, screaming kid and the dinner lady going ape shit!!!

After they had got the kid, calmed him down and called 999, the dinner lady used a lunch box to get his fingers back to take to the hospital. All the grids where screwed down after that.

Poor fuck won’t be able to play the piano again
(Fri 22nd Jun 2007, 14:45, More)