b3ta.com user lostpixel
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Profile for lostpixel:
Profile Info:

http://hoax.web1000.com/b3ta.htm //its now gone into the ether :'(

Plastic Surgery Couldnt save him now

In nature things appear in the weirdest places

Click for bigger

I thought it had been lost forever...smiles


My 5th B3taday Picture!

Recent front page messages:


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(Thu 10th Oct 2002, 18:42, More)

Meep! had one for breakfast.........

bit of a rushed job...
(Wed 9th Oct 2002, 18:09, More)

Best answers to questions:

» Teenage Poetry

hmm mostly a poem, mostly
“When it’s calm
No one is near
Feel your breath
In my ear
Hear the words
you have said
Hold the night
it never ends

Snow melts away
leaving no sign
though signs appear
only over time
closer you grasp
tighter my dear
forever wishing
that you were near.�
(Thu 11th Aug 2005, 19:47, More)

» Job Interviews

MikeroweSoft interview
Was at a MS interview the other day, started off with 9 of us (mostly business types / I am a maths person) watching a MS introduction video! (fairly standard corporate stuff)

anyway, the recruitment chaps walked back into the room, and asked what we thought of it.

Cue one candidate saying he was brainwashed...
How I cringed :P...
(Wed 26th Jan 2005, 14:26, More)