b3ta.com user Doktor Egg
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» Teenage Crushes - Part Two

My English Teacher
She came to our all boy's grammar straight from teacher training college. She wore stockings; we knew because she used to cross her legs so often. She always had her blouse unbuttoned far too low; we saw it when she bent over us to look at our work. She was the face that launched a thousand wanks.
Then she disappeared. She'd apparently left her husband for one of the sixth formers.

Fast forward about seven years. I'm a medical student doing my obstetric attachment. I get called to labour ward to mend someone's post childbirth torn-up minge.

Yup, it was her, with the sixth former standing next to the bed, blushing.

I made my excuses and left, so i never did get to see what I'd have paid for in blood as a kid.
(Thu 5th Nov 2009, 18:53, More)

» Filth!

Shitty man
Bloke brought into casualty in his armchair. Cemented in, in his own shit. He died.
(Sat 4th Feb 2012, 23:39, More)

» PE Lessons

Cross bastard country
I hated sport. Couldn't see the point. So I signed up for cross country. This was a desultory trudge round the perimeter of the huge playing fields our school shared with the local council. The advantage was that, once round the first corner, you were out of sight of the teachers and could stop for a cheeky ciggy and a natter with your mates. Give it 45 minutes then cut through a few bushes to the end of the course, and bob's yer uncle.

Sadly. our psycho head of PE sussed us out so from then on, he used to pace us for the whole circuit in his car.Whilst smoking a fag. And blowing the smoke at us. Git.
(Fri 20th Nov 2009, 15:23, More)