b3ta.com user supafunk
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im a genetically modified spud who has learned how to use tattyshop

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» Beautiful Moments

nothing special....just.....
A moment in my life, probably concocted from alchohol, but bear with me......

Just been for a night on the town, and was walkin home (only got halfway because of a distinct money problem heh) anway, was walkin home, in the early hours of a summer pre-morning, you know the kind of night that never quite gets dark, theres always that warm reddish glow to the sky, where the clouds seem to pack together as if huddling round the warmth of the distant sun, and me in my mildly drunk state suddenly stopping, turning to look at the sky, feeling the wind pick up, but strangely the wind itself felt like an old friend wrapping his arm around me to say hello, and in that exact moment the dawn broke, with its first few rays climbing into the sky, bringing with it a surreal beauty and majesty...

at that moment i felt truly alive, as if god had just noticed me, smiled to say hello, and shuffled on to take care of the rest of the world, for me that moment was a lifetime, a moment that made me realise things will be okay, that things will always work out, you just have to stop for a minute and you'll notice how beautiful the world can be...

when your surrounded with that kind of beauty you know things can't be all bad...
(Sun 13th Mar 2005, 18:52, More)