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This is a question How I Skive Off Work

Admit it. No one does any work these days. It's all looking at crappy websites with your thumb hanging over alt tab incase the boss walks over. Tell us your best methods of skiving, and any resultant incidents. (Maybe your slacking off has got someone sacked, or resulted in a large scale industrial accident.)

(, Wed 27 Apr 2005, 15:53)
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Trolley boy
My mate and I used to work at Tescos, and he was the trolley boy. He crashed his car perviously, so his mum would drop him off in his uniform, he'd clock in, go and get changed into his normal stuff and bugger off to his mates accross the road to get cained, before calmly strolling back in, clocking out, getting changed into his uniform and waiting for his mum outside. He did this for months whilst we all had to sit on checkouts pretending we'd "seen him outside a minute ago".
(Sorry for length)
(, Thu 28 Apr 2005, 15:23, Reply)

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