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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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The Devils Rejects (and HouseOf 1000 Corpses)
The Devils Rejects

I am right now, listening to Terry Reid. Terry Reid is a much unheard of musical icon for reasons beyond my ken. He may have made a monumental error when replying to the following question,

“Do you want to be in Led Zeppelin?”


“Nah, but my mate Bob from Birmingham can sing”.


His music, nonetheless, is excellent. Rob Zombie chose to use it at pivotal points in his film, ‘The Devils Rejects’, which turned me onto him.

The Devils Rejects (heretofore referred to as TDR), was the follow up to what is indisputably the greatest horror movie of modern times also made by Rob Zombie, ‘House Of 1000 Corpses’. All of this scratchy video, superfast cutting, vocal effects and “eerie” noise (Ring, SAW, etc ) is shit. Show ‘House Of 1000 Corpses’ to yer missus and she’ll be all over you. It’s beautiful. It’s terrifying. It has everything a horror movie should have and keeps on delivering when you really think you’ve had enough.

TDR opens with a shootout, the greatest of all possible starts. The cops have surrounded the aforementioned house and are making idle threats through a megaphone. Otis, Baby and Ma arm themselves to the teeth and start wasting piggies in a chaotic explosion of shattered glass, burst tyres, shotgun blasts and fatal injuries depicted with relish and glee in vivid and elaborate cinematovision!

Otis and Baby escape but Ma is taken captive. Baby notifies Captain Spaulding that the cops are on to them. Captain Spaulding wears clown make-up all the time (as this is his source of income), and steals a car from a lady shopper on the grounds that he has “important clown business” to attend to. He then terrorises her child by telling him if he doesn’t come up with a good reason for not liking clowns by the time he gets back, he will kill his entire family.

Then they meet up in a motel “just like they always planned” (I love the notion of having a contingency plan shoud you ever have to go 'on the lam'). They terrorise, torture then murder some unfortunate passers-by with gourmet-like relish and just as it seems one of them will escape, she is mowed down by a truck cueing up cracked-faced legend Danny Trejo with the following line,

“Have fun scraping all them brains off the road”


Danny Trejo, along with wrestling legend Diamond Dallas Page (heretofore referred to as DDP), play a pair of bounty hunters hired by the sheriff to track down TDR clan.

The sheriffs brother (also a sheriff) was killed by TDR in ‘House Of 1000 Corpses’ and Ma Reject shows him pictures of his dying brother whilst he attempts to interrogate her with a knife. Understandably, he’s out for revenge.

The big showdown between this trio of violent miscreants and TDR takes place at a brothel where they are hiding out with a friend of Captain Spauldings. As they drink, smoke, fuck, toot and bubble bath, Terry Reid’s ‘To Be Treated Right’ spins up.

It’s a slow haunting ballad strummed in CSNY, Neil Young-era Buffalo Springfield kind of way and it has a killer middle eight which soars as Otis Reject and DDP crash violently in slo-mo through a window. It is a thing of beauty.

End result of this tussle see’s TDR taken captive, tied to chairs in the ‘House Of 1000 Corpses’, tortured and impaled with a nail gun, doused in petrol and the house set alight.

Enter, Tiny.

Tiny is Otis and Baby’s brother. He’s about 8 feet tall and bursting with tard strength. As a child, he had an accident and most of his skin was burned so his ears and nose and such are burned off, he’s bent over and fucked up looking etc. Tiny likes it when Otis dresses up his young lady victims in babydoll outfits for him to play with before Otis slaughters them and affixes their body parts to his mutant experiment displays.

Tiny rescues Otis, Baby and Captain Spaulding by pulling the nails from their hands in a babbling brook burst of blood and they hit the road again.

Cue Lynyrd Skynyrd, ‘Freebird’ coupled with a gorgeous panoramic vista of the American midwest as their Cadillac speeds them along a cliff-side road to freedom whilst they bleed, contort and generally suffer in profound agony.

How does this movie end, you wonder. Same way it started, baby! With a shootout.

The cops have set up a road block and are armed to the teeth. Otis stops the car about 200 metres or so from the roadblock, gets out his guns, hands them to baby and Captain Spaulding and as ‘Freebird’ hits its squealing guitar crescendo, he guns the accelerator and they all start shooting. It is ‘The American Dream’ embodied.

The film slows down as they take hit after hit then stops a la Butch and Sundance and another Terry Reid corker accompanies the credits to the backdrop of soaring Midwestern plains – it’s gorgeous. You truly feel you have been on a bumpy accelerating ride.

Whilst TDR are evil beyond redemption, you somehow feel sympathy for their plight as they, albeit in a criminally extreme manner, embody the American notion of living free.

Rob Zombie is an under-used cinematic genius for my money. There isn’t a poor shot, line of script, frame of film or musical accompaniment out of place. His portrayal of his love of America as icon is reminiscent of Sam Peckinpah or John Huston.

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:08, 2 replies)
Bubble boy!!!!!!
Stars the guy from the Donny Darko film and he is born without an imune system and needs to be kept in a bubble.
In order to get him home they bubbleise his room and that is where he grows up - falling in love with the nextdoor neighbour. Story really starts when the girl goes off to marry the wrong guy (not him) and he builds a bubble suit to chase after her across america with no experience of the outside world.
Best Film Ever!
ps... Bright!!! and SHIIIIINEY!!
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:05, 2 replies)
Jacobs Ladder
Now this is one hell of a scary/trippy movie. Tim Robbin's 2nd best role after Shawshank.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:03, 1 reply)
The best movie ever
is Titan A.E.

Not for its content. Nor its soundtrack nor even its animation. But because we watched it for all of five minutes before it became the soundtrack and flashing lights to a two and a half hour massage for me and the missus (well, until the film ran out of play time before we did)

I must learn to make my stories more humerous...
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:48, Reply)
Honey I spunked the kids
err.. does this exist?
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:25, Reply)
My Star Wars Confession…

I’ve told on many occasions about how my adoration of Star Wars began when I was 4 years old and my dad took me to watch ‘A New Hope’ at the local flix in 1977.

Well that is true…kind of. What I always neglect to mention is that it was actually the second time I went, that I grew to fall in love with the film.

The first time my dad took me, instead of simply enjoying the film, I decided to busy myself by being such an obnoxious mini uber-twunt of weapons-grade proportions that being strung up by the larger of my testicles out in the street and pinata’d ‘Mussolini’ style would’ve been too good for me.

I don’t know why I did it…my only defence is that I was only 4…and I’ve always been a bit of a shitbag…but the whole Star Wars saga began for my dad & I like this:

“Daaaaaaad I need a weeeeeeeee…Daaaaaaaaad I need a peepeeee. Daaaaaaaad Can I go to the toilet?...Daaaaaad I need another Weeeeee” etc et-fucking cetera.

About 150 times. For the whole film in fact. As soon as we had got back from the toilets, I whined to go again. Just to push my poor, patient dad to breaking point.

At no time did I actually need a wee.

Dad, I’m sorry.

Additional: please feel free to gloss over the list of my favourite films below, because I’m such a common-as-muck populist arse-biscuit that I’m pretty sure they’ve ALL been mentioned already.

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:24, 3 replies)
Grab life by the balls
Way back in whatever year this was (you can look on imdb if you so wish, I cannae be fucked, quite frankly) my mate Chris came down from Sunderland to visit me in London where I was living at the time. Chris is a nice lad - his two problems are that he's a mackem and he looks like Mini Me. He's also a God-squadder, but much more in the lets-all-be-nice-to-each-other manner rather than then believe-in-Jeebus-or-we'll kill-yoour pet-rabbits manner.

I digress. Unusually.

So, we dceided to spend the day seeing the sights of Laaahndaan. Like most people, when you live somewhere, you very rarely go to see the tourist attractions. So we decided to go for a day of it.

First attraction was the London Eye - or not as it happens, because due to a mechanical fault it was closed. I'd pre-ordered tickets as well, and it took me some time to explain to the mouth breather woman behind the desk (who'll be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes I tell you) that I wanted a REFUND not an EXCHANGE of tickets. This tested her room temperature IQ as she kept telling me they couldn't issue a refund. It was when I told her that as they had failed to provide the service that I had paid for, i.e. to go on the big shiny thing for an hour on a Tuesday afternoon, then they were in breach of the contract that I had made to them etc. etc. Eventually the supervisor came and said (this is a direct quote "For fuck's sake Maureen just give them a fucking refund."


So then we decided to go and visit London Dungeons, although the queue was so long that women were conceiving and giving birth in the queue. Fuck that for a game of soliders. We thought of the Tower of London. Looked at the prices. Uttered words to the effect of "I believe that is slightly on the expensive side." Even Chris let flee a simple "fuck" when he saw the fees.

We were depressed. We got on the tube.

Passing Wood Green I said "well, we could always go to the cinema." So off we got. I knew there were 2 cinemas, so one would have something decent on.

As it was Chris's trip, I decided he should choose the film. "Oh" he said, "I quite fancy seeing Dodgeball"

"Dodgeball?" quoth I

"Yes" quoth he. "It is a comedy with Vince Vaughan and Ben Stiller.

Oh, let joy be unconfined, I thought. The last Ben Stiller "comedy" I saw was Zoolander which was about as funny as Helen Keller's DVD collection. And Vince Vaughan rated just above Saddam Hussein as one of my favourite comedy aactors, but there we go.

There then followed possibly the funniest 2 hours of my life. The film was bloody brilliant. When the S&M scene on the dodgeball court came on, I thought I was disturbing other customers, but I couldn't see due the fact I was crying with laughter. At the line "and that's a great move by the submissive", a little bit of wee came out. I walked out and my jaw was hurting with the laughter. The best film ever, not just because it was fucking funny but because I'd gone there in a pissy mood, and with incredibly low expectations.

Mind you Stiller and Vaughan are still as funny as a 3 year old's funeral.

Length - about 2 hours, but 25 minutes of bonus features on the DVD
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:23, 3 replies)
Greatest films.
Apart from the usual geeky films, Star Wars, Shaun of the Dead, Evil Dead etc... I really love Wes Anderson's films, particularly The Darjeeling Limited and The Royal Tenenbaums. I know a lot of people really seem to hate these (or not get them) but the humour is pretty black, soundtracks are great and they have a real innocent charm.

I also love Casablanca, one of those few old classics which are actually great to watch.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:21, 1 reply)
It's after midnight here in Oz,the Mrs is on call and I'm half pissed.

So let me tell you of two of the greatest films - ever.

Old Yeller

I was pretty much hysterical when I first saw that as a kid. I was about 8. I was crying like my mum had died.

And the other film that can still make me cry is Lassie Come Home

I know I'm a sucker for dogs (hell, I even married one) but those films still tug on my tattered heart.

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:18, 3 replies)
My favourites are the old goodies
the great escape
barry lyndon etc
even though rocky is good too
just not as good as english ones
like the all time cracker, Zulu
and The bridge over the river kwai
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:17, 2 replies)
Not the best because I don't have a best
but the best movie i can think of at this moment is Primer. I think it was made by some canadian guys (physics degrees and such). Long story short they accidentally create a time machine. It can only go back as far as the machine was first turned on. Over the course of the movie the first time you think it is complicated, the second time you realise you missed the complicated parts that happened and the third time you pick up on the complicated parts that are only half-referenced in later parts of the movie.

The most stand out moment was about a week after seeing it for the first time a guy I know got an xbox 360 and sent me a text saying "My xbox 360 looks like the Primer machine." What made it so surreal was I was in the passenger seat of my dad's care and looked up from the message to see my friend walking along just up the road from my house giving me a WTF! moment. The message was about an hour late being recieved but for that stupid second time travel wasn't ridiculous and the world was insane.

Best movie I've seen lately is Kung Fu Panda. It's just a great movie.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:12, Reply)
Not many stories here, so have the story of the worst film I've ever watched.
I don't know why, but I was at the video shop charged with the mighty task of getting something for the whole house of students (back in Uni days), deliberating my choices when my eyes settled on it... Dude, Where's My Car?

For anyone who's never seen the film, allow me to summarise thus:

Ashton Kutcher: "Dude, where's my car?"

Seann William Scott: "Where's your car dude?"

Ashton Kutcher: "Dude, where's my car?"

Seann William Scott: "Where's your car dude?"

Ashton Kutcher: "Dude, where's my car?"

Seann William Scott: "Where's your car dude?"

Ashton Kutcher: "Dude, where's my car?"

Seann William Scott: "Where's your car dude?"

For 83 minutes.

Along the way some other stuff happens, but the whole film is so repetitive, dumb and just plain boring that I couldn't really tell you what.

Thing is, it was clear to me from pretty early on that I didn't want to watch the rest of this film, but everyone else seemed to be watching it, so I said nothing, and sat through it, stony faced.

By the time the credits mercifully began to roll I had almost lost the will to live, at which point one of said housemates piped up, "that was fucking awful, I can't believe I watched all of it," which was quickly followed by sounds from the rest of those present along the same lines...

Every one of us had hated it, but sat through the entire thing because we didn't want to ruin it for the rest, thinking they must be enjoying it.

So yeah, that's the story of the WORST film ever instead.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:12, 5 replies)
In The Spirit
of making this QOTW amusing I've just remembered this tale. I'm sure I've told it here before but fuck it.

An ex and I used to go to the flicks every Tuesday, usually to watch terrible horror movies - 'cos we liked them. This was in the days when you'd get two movies for your money with an intermission between them.

So there we were. Sitting in the back row of the movies, first flick finished and the lights came up while they were changing reels for the main movie. An employee of the house appeared at the bottom of the aisle, in front of the screen, with ice-cream goodness to sell.

Me and the ex chatted while we waited for the next flick and I was casually watching the other cinema-goers. One strapping Geordie lad bought a couple of ices off the purveyor of ice-creams and was walking back to his seat, one ice in each hand.

Then, suddenly, from one of the curtains covering the fire exits, a shambling monstrosity appeared. Off-green skin tone, ripped clothing, lots of visible festering wounds, head to one side - the whole Zombie experience. And it was moaning.

The strapping Geordie lad, Cornettos clutched proudly in each hand (thus rendering him almost defenceless),did what any other full-blooded Geordie would do. He screamed like a girl and kicked the Zombie right in the knackers.

Zombie dropped like a bag of shit and now the moans sounded much more real.

It turned out that the Zombie was a member of the theatre staff who was dressed up to promote the next weeks horror offering.

To be honest, it's the best thing, EVA, I've seen at the movies.

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:11, 1 reply)
Day...Day of the Jackal
The best film I ever saw was double vie de veronique. However, at that time I saw it, I had decided my purpose in life was to write poetry, and in order to do this I had to wear a black roll neck sweater and go "what does it MEAN". Now, it's a good film, esp if you want to see Irene Jacob's cunt. But it's not the film I think you should see. That one's Day of the Jackal.

Day of the Jackal has it all. Edward fox you say? In a cravat? And once the director has dressed el Fox in the cravat what does he do with him? Has him galavant around a goregously shot France seducing ladies by talking about the merits of combine harvesters. Then, when he's banged them, he murders them more easily than you'd believe possible and escapes in a bad disguise.

it's got everything this film. Lets look at the cast and their acting Charlie Hungerford out of Bergerac plays a spy. You've got edward 'never worn jeans' fox. And you've got drax out of moonraker as the goodie! Want more? Oh, it's got more.

You've got Cadefel playing a french detective talking to another french detective. Of course, they speak in English, only one of them uses a comedy french accent and the other doesn't. That goes on throughout the film. Imagine acting in it! You step up and deliver your line in your coolest accent "Zeese threat iz ze greatezt zreat to De Goll" only to have your co actor reply back as if he was reading an ominous shipping forecast on Radio 4.

You've got Edward Fox killing by punching a guy in the gut, and then shooting a water melon. You've got the Alfa. You've got the "Please could I 'ave a glass of water" bit, and the "My name is jaques" bit in the gay turkish bath. Classic. And the ending, don't want to go into it, really, suffice to say that an exploding bullet blows up half a paving stone next to CDG and he doesn't notice!

The film's full of flaws and the IMDB message board lists them all obsessivly. But it doesn't matter. It's a great film, taut, goregous, and tense. What a format - you know that CDG wasn't assassinated, and yet as the Jackal evades all the traps, the tension mounts. "How is he going to get stopped now" you think, as he waits with his cool gun. I forgot to mention the gun. coolest gun in cinema history.
The version I have is from about 1986 and it stops half way through for Sandy Lyle to talk about teh blacks striking in the mines in S Africa then an advert for the times with Mike Gatting, and then the Do Tell Sid one. Everytime I watch it I feel homesick for somewhere I've never been.
Great film

And for that reason, I'm in.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 15:02, 4 replies)
A Classic..
..Transformers the Movie - The 1986 original version.

Classic transformers action and a sound track that has been burnt into my brain.

When I hear any of the music from the movie it gives me a big smile on my face!

Its the only film as well that nearly always makes me cry (just a little manly amount): The bit where Daniel is trying to shoot the acid cover and save his dad (Spike).

And what other film can you say has spock, the guy from unsolved mysteries, Judd Nelson & Orson Wells playing a monster planet sized robot!
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:51, 5 replies)
Accion Mutante
Spanish Mad Max kind of film in which a disabled terrorist group wreak vengeance on their good looking oppressors.

It's really quite bad taste and fucking hilarious with it.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:42, 1 reply)
cant remember the name but still using it as a mantra
the one where a weedy specky boy thinks he gets powers to overcome the obstacles in his life by another wee boy standing behind him saying 'You can do it Duffy Moon ' I still say this to myself when I am gripped by the fear about anything , and occasionally shout it at people I see undertaking mammoth looking tasks.

Thinking about it , probably had Duffy Moon in the title
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:38, 1 reply)
"Honey I Blew the Kids"
One for all the family.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:34, Reply)
Some wierd Bangra type version of Alladin.
We can't remember anything apart from one line of one song, (abalabalaba Genie) but my mate and I swore for many years that this was the best film ever after watching it one evening on a crappy black and white portable tv.

The hot-knifes and 6 litres of superstrength cider may have had a bearing on our opinion.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:33, Reply)

'Fantasia in Dub' - mixes the film Fantasia with Indie student faves James' under rated album WahWah!

If you dont believe me...


Better than wanky Pink Floyd any day.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:30, 1 reply)
Most memorable
Jurassic Park.

Friday afternoon - girlfriend and I have skipped work - what to do?

Get really, really totally stoned and watch a blockbuster at the cinema! Yeah!

Cinema empty - brilliant.

Smoke more, chomp mushrooms - buy sweeties - have snog - feet up - film starts.

Two minutes pass. Door opens. Sheepish looking woman pokes her head around the corner and then leaves.

Thats is odd, thinks I.

5 minutes later she reappears, this time with approx 16 mentally handicapped teenagers.

All sit three rows behind us.

We resist the peurile urge to giggle and get back into the film forgetting about our neighbours.

All good until about 30 minutes into the film. In case anyone has not seen the film, a goat is staked out as bait for the T-Rex and the cinema is silent. Music begins to very slowly swell - tension mounts - on screen goat starts to bleat quietly.

So does one of the children behind us.

(Muffled giggles from us)

Music gets louder and tempo quickens, the goat (who is the best actor in the film) starts to bleat louder.

So does the bleating kid - and a few of his friends join in. 'Baaaaa' (we have hands over mouths, tears rolling down faces, kia-ora squirting out of nostrils - we do keep saying 'awwww' and 'it's not funny' which only leads to more laughter.)

Music louder - music faster - goat bleats more - kids all bleating now - music even louder - tempo racing - goat is bleating in a manic fashion. LOUDER - FASTER - BLEATING - BAAAA! LOUD!FAST! BAAAAAA!

All of a sudden the head of the T-Rex shoots into screen and snaps up the goat in one swoop.


The kids go - er...well mental is the best way to put it - screams, panic attacks, popcorn everywhere, crying, hair pulling, self harm, cries for mummy, rolling in the aisles - they are screamimng and running everwhere. The woman in charge is crying and trying to round them all up, but they are in flight mode, heading out of exits, into toilets, trying to hide under seats etc.

Meanwhile myself and gilrfriend are doing our bests not asphyxiate due to the fact that we are so spaced we are unsure what is and is not real, or what to do, or say to anyone.

The story ends with the police helping round up the missing kids, the woman who brought the poor kids to see the film being picked up to no doubt find she is fired, manager closing the theatre to clean up the mess.

And best of all - we got a refund and 5 free tickets each! Hooray.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:25, 8 replies)
star wars
episode 5 : empire strikes back

no one is going to beat that EVER.

except maybe fight club.

or the usual suspects.

or star wars episode 4 : a new hope.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:23, Reply)
Any Will Ferrell film.
He is hilarious and I have been hooked ever since seeing him in Anchorman.
Quotes such as:
`I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right in the babymaker' and:
`I am a man! I am an ANCHORman! I'm a man who invented the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science'.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:20, Reply)
Control- Recent Ian Curtis Biopic
By Far My Favourite Film Ever,

ive always been a joy division fan since about the age of 10, and i like to think ive always "gotten" the music, as opposed to the current crop of fans who dont know anything. also, ian curtis is something of an inspiration to me.

i remember hearing about the film being announced in pre production a few years ago, and my heart skipped a beat then, and finally after what seemed like eternity the day of screening finally arrived.

theres a place in hull (gah) called hull screen, which is a sort of independent cinema, just 2 screens i think but you can catch some gems there, although it probably wont be open for much longer if the council wastes any more money on stupid investments and doesnt look after places like this. but anyways i digress, the stage was set, and the film started

for those of you who havent seen it i recommend it avidly; black and white, never once losing focus on the plot yet nurturing elements of humour and nostalgia (not taht id remember back then) and comes across as a kitchen sink drama of the 60's & 70's type era for british cinema.pretty inmpressive for a guy who previously had only done music videos for u2, JD etc (Anton corbijn)

i can rant and rave, and to be perfectly honest my grammar and whatnot is all over the place thanks to my hungover state, but at the end of the day, i came out of that cinema and cried, as did my viewing partner for the day. neither of us are particularly soft spots but we had just been hit by just under 2 hours of pure unequivocal visual and emotional beauty.

the next hour or so was spent with us nursing a pint, almost in shock of what we had seen, we were just blown away, and i havent felt that ever since. ive also never known a film to have that same effect on an 18 yr old and a 39 yr old.

the dvd is meant to be crammed with extras aswell, but i havent the monies to pick it up just yet.
i wont even download it, such is my respect for it.

go, go and watch it now!

apologies for length, i use words to cover the fact my penis is small
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:09, 3 replies)
the only film with Tom Cruise in that I can bear to watch, has to be my favourite film of all time.

I'd say it's flwaless.

Tame the cunt.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:07, Reply)
The Haunting
The origional 1962 B&W version. Scared the bejesus out of me as a nipper, still does it today if it's late and I'm alone watching it.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:04, 3 replies)
Star Trek First Contact made me cry.
This is how much of a geek I am. I think its more down to the fact that I am a strong believer on extending humanity out away from this little planet and beyond. I hate the fact we are so consumed by our own internal affairs which are so miniscule and irrelivent compared to what could be out there.
Its a shame that humanity cant get on with one another, we are so absorbed by our differences and cant pull our resources together.

Which is why I quite like the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek First Contact really brought this home for me. The first time I watched it, I was really absorbed in the movie. And at the end when the Vulcans landed, the guy who had flown the first warp ship said "They're really from another world!" My heart sunk, and it was such a tear jerker for me.

First Contact brought humanity together and the Federation of Planets was created. Humans were no longer driven by the aquisition of wealth, but to better themselves.

Total fantasy and unlikely to ever happen in real life. But it was nice to see what we could be like if we wern't such a bunch of arrogant selfish small minded arseholes.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 13:57, 3 replies)

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