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From the Easter challenge. See all 37 entries (closed)

(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:21, archived)
# my opinion
and I'm Rat-legged ;)
that deserves the front page!
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:24, archived)
# cheers mate!
Spare some change for the bus to hell, guvnor?
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:27, archived)
# I'll send my best Limo
to do a round trip and pick you up, we're all here already..
Sins galore, what are you drinking, it's free and on tap.
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:30, archived)
# that doesnt sound like hell to me
more like heaven!
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:31, archived)
# It all depends what you want..
Harps, niceness goodwill and Andrew Washington, or..

Sex, Adultery, Whores, Pimps, Sheep, Alcohol, Rock and Roll, Sex, More Alcohol, Amsterdam, Fun, Photoshopping, Hitler, Furtive, Wasps, Brighton, Thrash Metal, Acid, Mushrooms, Fun, Clowns, Nudeness, Kittens in socks, Pron 24/7, Cigarettes, Vodka, wine, sex, more sex, shaven havens, gifs, anal, fun, happiness, orgasm, sunshine, warmth yaddayaddayadda
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:39, archived)
# Hitler - no
shaven havens - only if it's John Cravens
wasps - fkaaaff. No purpose jaspas with bad attitudes.
(Bees - yeah)Everythings else you said, yayoose!
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:42, archived)
# John

Do explain, while I crack open another can :)
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:47, archived)
# Hitler is only in hell
because of his capacity to photo-brain-montage,
wasps in hell don't sting, they hug,
and bees are conversational insects.
and i am really really droonk.
wiff is in bed
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:47, archived)
# Nah, he would bring too much hate with him.
We'll have no trouble here.
I'm getting drunk. I'm beginning to feel last night sweating out of my pores though which is both ladylike and delightful.
Boyf is unconscious on sofa. No change there then.
Every Saturday boyf falls unconscious on floor/sofa.
I am still awake drinking and smoking on my own, and typing ferociously.
Only have one cigarette left till the boys get back from clubbing. They are on strict instructions to wake me up if I fall asleep so I can join in.

John Craven's shaven haven...erm Book of Madness Volume 1 (more just a book of rantings and drivvle) was just a book of written babblings of myself and Aaron over a series of weekends when it was just us two awake in the early hours. Before we got into the magazine chopping thing. Subjects came up like John Craven's shaven haven, Pauline Fowler's fabulous growler, Victoria Wood's clitoral hood....wine gum's front bum, scrambled egg's third leg, jammie dodger's todger...etc.
If we're not on drugs we should be.
Bet you wished you hadn't asked me to explain now!
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:55, archived)
# No, 'cos
I'm now giggling like a schoolgirl over Victoria Wood's clitoral hood and Pauline Fowler's fabulous growler......there aren't enough hours on my shite 56K dialup to do photoshop justice to those 2 :o))

Typing well considering I'm hammered.....

mmm 3 weeks to DSL.....hopefully....
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:13, archived)
# don't even consider sorting out pictures
of Victoria Wood's clitoral hood. Just leave that to the Great Suprendo.
We started off with that book with ranting about various animals till we exhasted everything. Then moved on to food, plants, inanimate objects, and famous people. Strange discussions written down about stuff like what decades birds come from, eg brown owls are from the 70's, parrots are from the 80's, starlings are from the 30's/40's etc; conversation about the personalities of numbers. I think I'd better shut up now.
Ooh, who are getting DSL with?
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:18, archived)
# munted.com
or Coo.co.uk.net.com
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:24, archived)
# No, seriously..
I am getting ADSL on the 11th of April.....
Havoc will be rrrrrrrreeeeeeeeekkeeddddddddd.
or I might just save me some time.
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:27, archived)
# Deeeeee-mon
Which is kind of apt when you think about it.
28 english poonds per month for muchos b3tage and VPNs from work if I get the right DSL modem....mmmmm.....

Oh, Magpies are from the 70s, as are crackerjack pencil-owls.
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:34, archived)
# No,
magpies are from the sixites!
(, Sat 30 Mar 2002, 5:40, archived)
# Hmm. Brighton tshirt idea.....
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:52, archived)
# Heaven is for...
...people who like watering pot plants (and not that type of pot plant either!)
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:42, archived)
# Sounds good to me
apart from the Hitler bit, though I s'pose 'cos he's deffo down there too we can all give him a fucking good kicking while we're waiting for Mugabe and all those other tossers to appear.

Oh, I don't think you mentioned wine or sex. More than thrice.
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:46, archived)
# OK, how
Do I gaurantee a place?
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:09, archived)
# Guessing here, but
post a pic containing ol' JC, Sept11th, Quo etc etc and yer place is guaranteed......
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 18:16, archived)
# Wellcome to heretic club
The first rule of heretic club is you do not talk about heretic club, the second rule of heretic club is you do not talk... no wait that's the first one again.. Ah yes the second rule is no smoking in the downstairs bathroom...
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 21:57, archived)
# Special
Brew - drink of the gods.

And tramps.
(, Fri 29 Mar 2002, 17:36, archived)