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[challenge entry] He always tells the truth!
The court said so!
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From the Stop Aids challenge. See all 246 entries (closed)

(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:07, archived)
# In this case, "it's funny because it's true"
does not apply
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:08, archived)
# i'm hoping nobody reads this and decides its the best way to avoid aids
because i learned the hard way even children have STD's
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:09, archived)
# Some Witch doctors in Africa, tell Aids infected men the only way to get rid of it is to have sex with a child
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:12, archived)
# yeah
and the south african health minister says that if you have HIV the best way to avoid it developing into full blown aids, is to eat beetroot
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:13, archived)
# I bet he has beetroot shares
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
# haha she.
and the only minister in s africa who conceded that aids needed to be addressed responsibly and who started talking about schemes to treat it and educate people properly, was just sacked for attending a world conference on aids.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
# People are stupid
This is one of the many reasons I hate People.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:17, archived)
# ^this
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# I think they just WANT to give it to everyone
until we're all dead
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# they definitely want to give it to the africans, then keep 'em living in fear with the constant promise of offering medicines.
the world is sick - incidentally that is now my motto
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:22, archived)
# It's a conspiracy!!
Can't you sheeple SEE?±!!?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# haha presqueesly!
*dons tinfoil AIDS-proof hat*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:26, archived)
# *sighs*
If only the poofs had been issued those. :(
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:35, archived)
# Didn't they every think that
if they just quarantined them, then that would dramatically reduce AIDS?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:24, archived)
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:25, archived)
# unbe-fucking-leivable
but it all makes sense after this bit:
"ammeh says he'll heal anyone, young or old. He won't take payment, but he does make one stipulation: those who are taking anti-viral medication must stop doing so immediately. Two respected HIV/AIDS experts promptly handed in their resignation in protest."

(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:28, archived)
# Sounds to me like
he wants to kill them all off
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:29, archived)
# no, but this way all the aids sufferers in gambia will stop taking their medicine and start to love the despot who forcibly took over their country.
That way no-one will mention the fact that he's a shit ruler cos they're all too worried about dying.
if on the other hand, he started dishing out medicines and so on, whilst everyone would be grateful, after they started getting better and comfortable they'd realise how cockin useless he is and lead a revolt.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:33, archived)
# I can't help but feel you've missed something

..are you sure America wasn't involved somehow?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:40, archived)
# yep and the twin towers was actually a bad case of aids.
just an opinion, not much makes sense in africa so this is just as likely an explanation as any.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:50, archived)
# oh those cheeky cunts!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
# Yeah, my witch doctor gave me a prescription for that
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
# haha
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
# Ok.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:09, archived)
# lol he's a pedo
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:09, archived)
# TJ

I just had the best lunch ever!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:11, archived)
# O_o
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:11, archived)
# What are those strange yellow rectangles to the left of the beanpool?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:13, archived)
# Cheeses!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
# Just some cheeses.
Thrown right in there.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:15, archived)
# i fuckin hate you
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:13, archived)
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:13, archived)
# I have had better,
But you make me hungry now :(
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:14, archived)
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:17, archived)
# If I did,
it would strictly be for hostage purposes.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# *Comes down with stockholm syndrome*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:19, archived)
# I'm flattered.
*starts playing poker*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:21, archived)
# ...it certainly wasn't that then
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
# Hello
Do you ever glassco.cx yourself?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# hello there :)
can't say I do, why?
//has just done it *dons smoking jacket*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:19, archived)
# *giggles*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:21, archived)
# hahahaha :)
*blushes at the thought that I was the first person that sprung to mind*
*velvety smoking jacket goodness and everything*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# Why? What?
I classco.cx'd you, (no innuendo intended) and I don't see anything out of the ordinary...
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:21, archived)
# It's like googling your name, I guess
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# Google my name;
Sam Bennallick, and look at the description of the 6th one down.

Edit: I am now unemployable.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:25, archived)
# wow, google is quick
your very post (^that one) is already 3rd in the list :P
Edit: going down...5th now
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 14:29, archived)
# No, I can't bend that way :(
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:20, archived)
# I'm pretty flexible...
/but I can't do Thursdays
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:21, archived)
# Nor can my sister
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:22, archived)
# A fried breakfast
with cheese and ham.

Why have I not thought of this before?!


*starts to eat own hand*
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
# I'm having a very M&S one
Spicy chicken and feta cheese
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
# Really?
'cause I had olives and salad followed by reblochon on fresh granary bread. There was chocolate mousse for pudding but I didn't feel like it.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# that doesn't sound nice. at all.
partly because what the hell is robluchon?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:19, archived)
# Badly spelled reblochon?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# Yes
I tried googling it to spell check but it didn't help
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:29, archived)

(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:19, archived)
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:20, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# Haha, exactly.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:23, archived)
# hahahahahahahahahahaha
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:24, archived)
# arf!

(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:27, archived)
# hahaha
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:28, archived)
# pffffft
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:38, archived)
# What ever happened to lunch of the day?
And Dave the Facts?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:20, archived)
# I think people got all OMG thats like so LAME! about it
and the Duke stopped doing it.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:22, archived)
# That's not right.
I liked it.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:24, archived)
# ^this^
+ there were some super scrummy entries much like your "WINNER" up above!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:34, archived)
# i'm jealous
you bastard
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:21, archived)
# It's not as good as the pot noodle I am currently eating for breakfast....
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:26, archived)
# I just pooped in to say hello
and this is what a see! Braw!

I'm off work today so I think I will cook something similar right now.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:28, archived)
# bacons?!
with sliced hams!!
it is a nonsense!!! a nonsense!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 14:15, archived)
# Mmm, heart disease.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 14:36, archived)
# you're ignorant!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:11, archived)
# If he actually was a Paedo,
then he wouldn't have been let off.
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:16, archived)
# You think the LAW can decide if someone is guilty of a crime?
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# You still have faith in the american justice system
That's cute :P
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:18, archived)
# I was being sarcastic
/doesn't work in text
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:30, archived)
# And if OJ really killed his missus
he'd be doing life right now. Truth and justice will always win through!
(, Mon 27 Aug 2007, 13:22, archived)