b3ta.com challenge: 18 certificate films remade for children
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This is a challenge18 Certificate films remade for Children (This challenge is now closed)

18 certificate films remade for children

Hollywood is always looking for new ways to ruin great stories in the hope of making lots and lots of money from impressionable children. Help them out using photoshop and post your ideas on the messageboard.

(Fri 6 May 2005, 13:20)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)
# ...

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 22:30, More)

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 22:28, More)
# Things to do with a golf ball..

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 22:24, More)
# Adorable//Entry 1#
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(, Sat 7 May 2005, 22:23, More)
# Quick, dirty...
... and probably bindun...

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:52, More)
# um

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:46, More)
# A nice glass of synthemesc before bedtime

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:39, More)
# blah

not an 18, but what the hey
(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:32, More)
# yeah i know Jurassic Park wasn't an 18, but just using this as an excuse for cheeky pearoast

click for big

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:07, More)
# It won't make much sense to a lot of you

...much like most of my stuff, I suppose.
(, Sat 7 May 2005, 21:03, More)
# bindun?

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 20:49, More)
# /repost from yesteryear before I could be arsed to match colours

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 20:46, More)
# It's all about one young girl's lovely car ride around Amsterdam

*contains no gratuitous lesbian sex scenes*
(, Sat 7 May 2005, 20:35, More)
# "ET phone home, then kill crew of Nostromo"
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I love "Alien" and though Resurrection was an evil cash in anyway.
EDIT: In a similar vein, www.b3ta.com/board/4541833
(, Sat 7 May 2005, 20:17, More)
# I'm flouting the rules. This film was never an 18 certificate. But I'm still submitting it. Is that bad? I'm only new here... :)

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 20:14, More)
# can't think of a subject

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 19:51, More)
# has anyone doen this already

aplogies for shiteness, using paint!
(, Sat 7 May 2005, 19:43, More)
# Why, oh why, do I freakin' bother?

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 19:38, More)
# teh seeeeams

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 18:43, More)
# Debbie Does... Danger Mouse

(, Sat 7 May 2005, 18:36, More)
Pages: 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (or see the popular posts)