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This is a question When animals attack...

I once, accidentally, punched a racoon.

It had wandered into my tent, I was half asleep and thought it was a mate pratting around. There was a yelp and then all hell broke loose.

What have you been attacked by?

(, Thu 2 Jun 2005, 9:39)
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another one....
we used to play football at Linley park where i grew up, and on the way back home, me and the lads (aged about 12) knew a crazy yorkshire terrior, where when you stamped your foot, the noise from this would make it come charging out from a back garden from one of the houses nearby and attack us. funny as fuck. we used to do pranks like throw a mates wallet towards the dogs house and stamp our feet to make him get attacked.

but one day i was running home nr this dogs lair, when i spotted a big puddle, and i decided to jump this fucka, but of course when i landed, the sound made this crazy ass dog come charging after me. i don't like dogs after having my balls squashed by one when i was younger, so i did a forest gump and ran away scared shitless.

then i stopped. and thought, fuck this i'm bigger than the little scrote, so i turned around and booted this dog clear in the mouth. a real good crack ya know. The dog (aka terry)runs away whining like a real bitch that it is. and i'm so happy, (this dog has scared the shit outa me for like 4 yrs...)

so i'm standing there, proud as hell i've overcome my fear, big grin on my face, andrenalin pumping, heart beating like crazy, queen music on in my head (we are the champions etc), when some old granny across the road starts giving me ear ache about 'animal cruelty' and she fucking called the police on me the bitch (and she knew where i lived cos she knew my gran).

but she died that year which made me feel better. meh.
(, Thu 2 Jun 2005, 20:02, Reply)

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