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This is a question How I Skive Off Work

Admit it. No one does any work these days. It's all looking at crappy websites with your thumb hanging over alt tab incase the boss walks over. Tell us your best methods of skiving, and any resultant incidents. (Maybe your slacking off has got someone sacked, or resulted in a large scale industrial accident.)

(, Wed 27 Apr 2005, 15:53)
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Amateur dumping
May I suggest you guys do what I do. Every day for the last 5 years I have gone onto a football website (choose another if this is not your bag) copied the text and pasted into word - 10 pages should do. Print the word document and this gives you something to read in the crapper.

It has become something of a ritual and most people in the building know that fat lad is off for a dump if he is seen with 10 pages of A4 at around 11am.

In fact I get rather shirty with football 365 if my regular pages are not up intime from my 20 minute meeting.

Not only that but once finished the printout can double as a walking around looking busy prop.

Top slacking
(, Thu 28 Apr 2005, 13:31, Reply)

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