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This is a question Common

Freddy Woo writes, "My wife thinks calling the front room a lounge is common. Worse, a friend of hers recently admonished her daughter for calling a toilet, a toilet. Lavatory darling. It's lavatory."

My own mother refused to let me use the word 'oblong' instead of 'rectangle'. Which is just odd, to be honest.

What stuff do you think is common?

(, Thu 16 Oct 2008, 16:06)
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I don't know if this is tasteless or common
You decide.

Years ago, I was flying back from Boston to Detroit when the call went out over the overhead "Are there any doctors on the plane?"
Well, I'm not a doc, so I kept reading my magazine. Fifty lights went on.
Turned out they were all chiropractors so the flight atendants told them to sit down and asked for a real doc. One guy stood up, I told him I was a nurse and where I was sitting in case he needed me then sat my ass down to stay out of the way.

A few minutes later, the real doc yells for me and I run up the aisle to lift some poor schmoe out of his seat and stretch him out in the aisle to start CPR.

We are going crazy, essentially running a code with just two of us when I look up at the rest of the plane.

Every occupied seat is turned towards us, idly watching as if we were on "911 America" with William Shatner! Some of them were actually tossing pretzels into their gaping maws whilst staring at the poor man. The entire coach class watched this poor man die with 2 medics labouring over him. After we landed (45 min later) and he was taken off the plane, they applauded us!

(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 3:23, 8 replies)
there's nothing common
about William Shatner working.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 4:43, closed)
Tastless AND common . . .
I had a similar experience on a plane to Greece 4 years ago - little girl with stomach cramps and vomiting (Mum and Dad had been on a holiday in Bangkok with her, and probably had some dodgy food). Anyhoo - we took her to the flight attendants' area so I could do the needful (feel tummy, etc) - all the while there were rubbernecks all watching the action (though not with food I believe) until we disappeared out of sight.

I wonder how they would feel if it one of their lover ones on the floor being resuscitated?
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 8:00, closed)
I think it's a perfectly normal reaction
your sitting on a plane, all facing one way and something is happening in front of you, your eyes are going to be drawn to it. As long as they aren't actually jeering and shouting "come on death! you can take that fat fucker!" then it's quite understandable.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 9:20, closed)
I agree....
weve all slowed down to gawp at an accident on the motorway.

Its curiosity of human nature.
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 9:37, closed)
the reason
that people slow down at accident scenes is SAFETY . think about it police the fire brigade and ambos are all trying to work . That and half the road is usually blocked slows things down . Im sure the police would love you to drive past at 30mph just inches away from them.

It pisses me off every time people are accused of rubbernecking just because the show a little consideration for slowing down
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 10:06, closed)
the cunts on the other side as well?
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 11:23, closed)
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 11:39, closed)
That annoys me so much!
I hate it when people do that, and it adds time onto my journey too!

And as for the fuckers who decide to gawp as well!
(, Mon 20 Oct 2008, 11:05, closed)

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