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This is a question The B3TA Confessional

With the Pope about to visit the UK, what better time to unburden yourself of anything that's weighing on your mind by posting it on the internet? Pay particular attention to the Seven Deadly Sins of lust, greed, envy, pride, posting puns on the QOTW board and the other ones. Top story gets to kneel before His Holiness's noodly appendage, or something

(, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 12:47)
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OK, there are those who do this world wide
Be it US, UK, Oz, Holland, Spain, Ireland, UAE, India wherever. It's not just Muslims, Asians, Oriental, Jewish, African, Eastern European or any offensive name for these or any other group who congregate in communities together. There are always cunts, and cocks too - let's not be gender specific -in every walk of life.

Calling people derogatory offensive names because of their race or religion though is not the way to either broach or resolve this issue. Use the fact that you were privileged enough to grow up in a generally safe and caring community where you had exposure to education to your advantage.

Chavs on the other hand, why I oughta...
(, Tue 31 Aug 2010, 6:28, Reply)

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