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This is a question Council Cunts

Stallion Explosion writes "I was in a record shop in Melbourne, flicking through the vinyl, when I found a record entitled 'Hackney Council Are A Bunch Of Cunts'"

We agree.

Have you been trapped in the relentless petty minded bureaucracy of your local council?
Why does it require 3 forms of ID to get a parking permit when the car in question is busy receiving a parking ticket right outside the parking office?

Or do you work for Hackney Council?

(, Thu 26 Jul 2007, 10:51)
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For all those moaning about tax:
In Poland, no matter what you earn, your employer has to pay 50% of it again as a tax payment to the government, plus your own income is taxed up to 40% (if you earn the massive amount of 1000 pounds* a month or more.) So if you earn 1000, your boss has to pay another 500, and you have to pay 400, so out of a total of 1500notes, you take home 600 quid. Phwoar, what an incentive to put all those hours in, eh? Plus 200 quid a month for the mandatory NHS service and pension schemes, council tax on top of that, and having-a-car-stereo tax. Now bare in mind that the average Pole only earns 500 quid a month to START with, it means one usually ends up with about 20p to spend on your nearest and dearest at Christmastime.

So stop bloody whinging, the lot of you.

*currency changed to protect the innocent. It's the numbers that are criminal.
(, Sat 28 Jul 2007, 10:53, Reply)

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