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This is a question Crazy Relatives

curvylittlegoth writes, "My Grandma is crazy, crazy mad. As well as regularly putting curses on us all, she once fell asleep in the armchair on a sunny afternoon, Barley Wine in one hand, Peter Stuyveson in the other, only to wake up several hours later to a Darth Vader sounding fireman. She thought she was in HELL as the smoke and flames billowed round her..."

Are any of your relatives this loopy?

(, Thu 5 Jul 2007, 15:59)
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I wouldn't say that my Dad's crazy, as such.
But he certainly does have some unusual ideas. Including thinking up some rather interesting money-making schemes.

My favourite of which is his plan to set up a business shearing penguins. He hasn't put too much effort into the planning stage yet, beyond recognising that it would be smarter to go for a larger breed of penguin, rather than the small fairy penguins he can find locally. The logic behind the penguin shearing is that penguins can clearly keep themselves warm in very cold climates, and that therefore their fur will make for effective fillings for doonas/duvets.

Also quite good is his desire to start his own cult, knowing that all you need to do this is be charismatic and have something new and different, worshiping-wise, to offer the masses. The object of worship has undergone a few changes, but his most recent idea is "the gap". Yes, the small space that exists between a train and the platform. And I have to say, he does have the knack to make it seem like worshiping the gap is a sensible idea. I wouldn't be surprised to hear in years to come of crazy cultists literally throwing themselves at the mercy of the gap.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 9:08, Reply)

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