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This is a question Crazy Relatives

curvylittlegoth writes, "My Grandma is crazy, crazy mad. As well as regularly putting curses on us all, she once fell asleep in the armchair on a sunny afternoon, Barley Wine in one hand, Peter Stuyveson in the other, only to wake up several hours later to a Darth Vader sounding fireman. She thought she was in HELL as the smoke and flames billowed round her..."

Are any of your relatives this loopy?

(, Thu 5 Jul 2007, 15:59)
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She's not particularly of the crazy kind, but my dear mum thought that a red squirrel was the size of a human until very recently. She was given this impression by someone dressed in a squirrel suit on some kids tv programme. That's the most entertaing anecdote i can think of although my mum's cousin is a manic depressive who can't stand being around a lot of people and spends most of his days in his room at his rents, he used to develop weird spots on his body because of his condition which before we knew the extent of his illness led him to be branded a "fucking junkie" by me and the cousins from my generation. Oh yeah my grandpa also on my mums side changed his political support from Labour to those tories solely because they cancelled a plane he was working on at British Aerospace.

So thats all i have as far as relatives are concerned, of course i am probably lacking the most sanity from my family and i'll bore you with the stories when the relevant QOTW comes along.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2007, 23:13, Reply)

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