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This is a question Inappropriate crushes

As a teenager I was obsessed by my piano teacher - I hated playing the piano, but carried on because she was so lovely. OK, it was because she used to wear very plunging necklines.

I even stopped practicing because the worse I was, the more she'd sit at the piano to show me how to play a piece and I could stand behind her and look down her top.

Aaaaargh. Confess your own crushes so I don't look like a breast-obssessed stalker.

(, Thu 28 Sep 2006, 10:42)
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I can't see it here, but it must have been said
Jessica Rabbit!! (from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit")
Kim Bassinger (the animated one from "Cool World")

And last, but by no means least -

The Cadburies Caramel Rabbit!! FWOAR!!

I also like real women, but these three really made me feel wrong!
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 10:17, Reply)
Got warned off last Christmas
Was made single. Had to move in with a friend. My friend (who pretty much saved my life through that gesture) has a weak spot for lost causes. So when someone else also found themselves sans partner and homeless, she got the other bed.

The two of us had just come out of 5+ years relationships. We hit it off (through desperation). We got 'friendly' one night on the sofa. It didn't get *too* far, but far enough for my friend to take each of us to one side and tell us in no uncertain terms to back off each other.

I hated her at the time for saying it, but with hindsight she was right. It would have been a 'rebound' shag.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 9:39, Reply)
The Argos shower woman
She was always a mysterious presence behind the steamed up perspex of the shower cubicle, but she was definitely naked and her breasts were easily reconstructible if you squinted your eyes. Best of all, when mummy came into the room, you could hide your boner with the catalogue and just flip to the pages with digital watches.

But I cheated on her with the girl in the leotard sitting on the bench press in the gym pages. I carried HER picture in my wallet.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 9:39, Reply)
Oh Clucking Bell...
In no particular order:

Suzie Quattro
Sam Fox
Joanne Lumley as Purdey
Sam Fox
Sam Fox
Felicity Kendall
Sam Fox

Sad thing is, Sam now bats for the other side. Still, my penchant for short girls with huge knockers lives on to this day. You should see my fiancee......

(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 9:28, Reply)
Ooh, thought of another...
After having skimmed through these, I'm not as weird as I thought!

Richard Hammond. Obviously.

Alex Pettyfer from Stormbreaker. So young, so wrong...

Peter Jones and Richard Farley from Dragon's Den. Preferraby at the same time. Duncan Bannatyne would get it as well.

Will Young. It's inexplicable, though my mum agrees.

Shane Warne. Maybe that's a step too far.

Cat Deeley. mmmmmmmmmm....
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 9:20, Reply)
One girl even called him "Mr Malfoy" by accident. Then she sort of squeaked and ran away, it was hilarious.
I'm seventeen. My crushes have tended to be not so much inappropriate as bordering on obsessive, entirely unreciprocated and frankly embarrassing.

But several of my friends are suffering from a ridiculously inappropriate frenzy of lust for the head teacher of science at our all girls school. I swear to god, he looks EXACTLY like Lucius Malfoy from the Harry Potter movies, long white hair and all. Why this inspires drooling in the corridors I couldn't tell you, although he is remarkably well-preserved for a man with children... and he does have this sort of naval stride like he belongs on the deck of a British Man'o'War two hundred years ago...


When we have Extremely Formal Assemblies, We Mean It This Is Really Really Important Take Off That Pink Headband Young Lady, he wears scholarly robes. Robes! Ohgod. I swear it's being at a single sex school that does it.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 6:25, Reply)
To Evangeline Lilly Fans
It isn't inapproriate till you call your missus Evangeline. And that's one cunt of a name to cover up.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 5:14, Reply)
My Daughter
Brought a friend home from school once. She was beautiful. Really blew my head off. Not in that way, now. But yeah. Her mother left us years ago, so it's just me and the hand now.

God though. That girl was fucking gorgeous. She'd be eighteen now, same as my little un. Ooh.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 5:12, Reply)
hot hot hottie
Dr Cameron from House, just the fact that she is so nice in the show and has a top arse.
Also for all Aussie there is an actress on the show Thank God You're Here, she is just one of the background actresses but she is tops
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 3:35, Reply)
Inappropriate crushes....

I ask you, is it inappropriate to love your mother-in-law to be too much, even after the endless amounts of 'find the gravy spatula' games you may have played with her???

oh, it is???

(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 3:21, Reply)
I'm in love with two women at once.

Not any particular two women at once, just two women at once in general.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 2:49, Reply)
young boys are my weakness
I'm surprised we haven't had more 30+ yr old women confessing to Daniel Radcliffe. I went to see Prisoner of Azkaban on the promise of some mindless summer entertainment fare and spent two hours drooling at that kid's eyelashes. Under all that Potter makeup he looks 25, so I can live with my conscience.

Out of the Potter makeup he looks like one of the brothers out of Oasis, which is a bit less easy to live with.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 1:39, Reply)
Going to hull...
...because I have a strong crush on a woman where I work, and it's reciprocated. So strong we've been petting for a short while now.

I've just left my wife. She's devastated.
(, Mon 2 Oct 2006, 0:20, Reply)
i should be shot...
Previous and some recent crushes include...
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Morrissey - from the Smiths to present day which makes it inappropriate
Cameron Diaz - since The Mask to present day
Robin Williams - ROBIN not even ROBBIE. I think its coz he's funny. And even that I start to question.
Paul Robinson in Neighbours
Larry David
Evangeline Lilly (Kate from Lost)
Gordon Ramsay
Bradley Walsh
Seymour Skinner & Lionel Hutz the lawyer from the Simpsons
One of the blokes who played Dr Who that isnt Tom Baker.
Roger Daltrey
Eddie Izzard
Father Ted
Samantha from Sex and The City
Kelsey Grammer aka Frasier
Keith Floyd - coz he likes a good drink possibly...
Dale Winton...hmmm...
Sugar from the programme Sugar Rush
Johnny Allen from Eastenders
Michael Buerk - BBC newsreader

when I was younger I took a fancy to Inspector Gadget (the cartoon), Brian Connolly, Neil Buchananananan and a ginger bloke who got on my school bus.

I'm 22.
Fresh out of uni.
I have a serious problem.

Sorry for length but my psychiatrist is on holiday...
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 23:26, Reply)
Someone mentioned "Princess" from "Battle of the Planets" - oh yes, when she did that flip in the credits Im sure there was just the hint of knicker...
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 23:11, Reply)
I hear girls.
Justin Timberlake's voice in Sexyback... Until I found out it was him. Was completely convinced it was a girl! I had her all worked out aswell: Blonde, sluttish dominatrix type woman in a black pvc outfit.

And Nan Asley from Tipping The Velvet, with her short hair and pretty face.

I'm a straight girl aswell. Obviously my brain isn't, the little tart!

Also Alan Rickman as Severus Snape, no matter what his age. I've got a weakness for tall, sinister men with long dark hair.

And I'm not the only one with some of the stuff I've come across online...
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 22:40, Reply)
Has anyone mentioned Carol Vorderman yet?
I'd break 'er fuckin' back man!

(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 22:27, Reply)
I'm in my twenties and I pulled a 39-year-old mother of 2 on Friday night. That's inappropriate enough. What's more is that I'm going to try to hook up with her again. Now that's inappropriate!
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 22:15, Reply)
mrs cunningham....
me 16 years old, her mid 30's. O grades english teacher. Not to diss her, but i sleep with men now.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 21:43, Reply)
All My Crushes Are Weird
1st: Dec from 'Ant 'n' Dec'
2nd: Kurt Kobain
3rd: Richard Hammond (Hope boyfriend doesn't read this, I swore blind that I didn't)
4th: Hugh Laurie (You have to watch 'House' to understand)
5th: Jesse Spencer (AKA 'Billy in neighbours, and most recently 'Chase' in 'House', so much hotter now.)

I am not ashamed...well Ok just a little.

Why can't I be normal and fancy normal people like Brad Pitt (Who I don't fancy at all)?
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 21:22, Reply)
First Post...
I could go on all night but the highlights include...

i) a girl I met on holiday when I was 16 (she was 13), secretly fancied her for a year then pulled her. Next time I saw her (a year later) she had a boyf and refused to speak to me. Still sometimes think about her now. I'm 23. Perhaps not so much inappropriate as just plain sad...

ii) I remember thinking Brian Molko (the singer from Placebo) was damn sexy when I was younger (the video for Every You Every Me when he's in a dress...hmmmm). He's a guy. So am I and I'm straight.

iii) many girlfriends of friends or friends of girlfriends.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 21:12, Reply)
Inappropriate crushes

The guy from here.

I think its the eyebrows.

Now, if only I could draw like our JollyJack, firstly Art would lose all his clothes in mysterious fire...
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 21:00, Reply)
Kids' TV presenters again
Angellica Bell. Hot as hell, or possibly even hotter.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 20:49, Reply)
morning tv
sandy toksvig on call my bluff used to stir me in an unusual way when i was younger.

i probably shouldn't have told you that.

i definitely shouldn't have got drunk and told my friends about it.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 20:31, Reply)
I know it's wrong but the thought of being told that my behaviour is "not asseptable" before being sent to the naughty step sends me into paroxysms of joy. I think it's the realisation that she probably has a Lady Garden like an Amazonian Rainforest where one could shelter for hours before knitting a sweater from her copious pubic hair. That and the fact she looks like she goes like a bunny.

I also have a "thing" for Miss Hoolie from Balamory. Damn these televisual women of Authority!

(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 20:13, Reply)
All my inlaws
(apart from my father in law)
It's Serious. My lovley wife, gawd bless ber, has three- count them- three lovley sisters all within the age range 16-20. Her mum is just 40 and also a MILF. Help me here peeps my ball bags are like Grapefruits!!!!!
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 19:58, Reply)
richard hammond
i cried for an hour when i found out he might die.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 19:37, Reply)
All completely unrelated
1) Aragorn from Lord of the Rings- not Viggo, just Aragorn, that constantly damp hair & ragged clothing reeeally pushes my buttons. I even printed out pages of photos & hid them to secretly look at. He is about 50yrs old remember

2) Warrick AKA Gary Dourdan *drools* My whiter-than-white ginger bf always goes a bit funny when we sit down to watch CSI together

3) The voice of Dimitri in the 20th Century Fox cartoon version of Anastasia. Me & a mate find him completely irresistible. Found out it's John Cusack & was bitterly disappointed- Dimitri is just HOT

and *pop* =)
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 18:56, Reply)
Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins
Dick Van Dyke he Disney movie version of Mary Poppins. Yes, I know you have to put scare quotes around "Cockney" to describe his accent in that movie, but something about his capering awakened the first approximations of lust in me as a little girl. It wasn't exactly a crush, though, as I didn't obsess about him for long.

Then there was the college student co-worker at the bookstore I worked at one summer. Inappropriate content: I was 16 and he 21 or 22. Also, some accident (possibly genetic) earned him the nickname "Dicknose." Not a pretty man. That was a real crush, though nothing ever happened.

Then there was the professor in a grad school seminar. To make it worse, it was, so far as I know, fully reciprocated, and I believe you could see our mutual googly-eyes from Jupiter. He was fashion-unaware, tall, gangly, and wonderful, and his wife was in school hundreds of miles away and heavily pregnant. Nothing ever happened, as both of us had consciences about the size of Alaska, though I guess his didn't extend to keeping his eyes from popping from his head every time I walked past. And that reminds me of a similarly fucked-up pedagogical relationship with a high-school teacher of mine ...

For those of you would-be teachers/professors: the rule goes way beyond look-don't-touch--you should not be obviously in lust with a student. It's creepy and wrong, even if the student thinks he or she is in love with you at the time. Thank you.

And yeah, I teach now, and follow my own advice, and am even married and sort of normal.
(, Sun 1 Oct 2006, 18:54, Reply)

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