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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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My favourite customer number 2
So, still working for Vision Express, but now assistant manager of a store.

Now, appointments with the optician are 20 minutes long, and we ask people to come in 10 minutes before their appointment time to have some tests and check their details before the main test.

So this bloke comes up to the desk.
"Hello, I've got an appointment at 11:00"
"Well it's 10 past 11 so I'm afraid you've missed it."
"What do you mean I've missed it."
"Well the appointment is only 20 minutes long and you have missed half of it."
"Well this is sodding ridiculous. It's not my fault I'm late, my wife's got cancer".
How that makes a difference I don't know. Also he had a swastika tatooed on his hand, didn't make me feel inclined to help him.
At this point the optician chips in.
"The next person is already here ready to go. I'll see them and then I'll try and fit you in."

So someone else takes this chappy in to have his pre tests done before he goes in for this test. I go off to have a tea break.

Well turns out that the person that was seen before this man had a problem which meant the test took the full 20 minutes. This meant that the optician couldn't fit this man in as the next person was on time. The optician spoke to the man and apologised but she couldn't see him today.

Someone came and got me as he was kicking of a demanding to speak to the manager. So I came out of the back to be faced by this twunt.
His first words to me "Oh it's you is it you fucking jobsworth cunt"
This did not sit well with me.
"What did you just call me?"
"A fucking jobsworth cunt"
The shop had fallen silent. Behind this man I can see another customer who was a black guy built like a brick shit house drawing himself up to his full 6ft 4. I also know that Di is listening to this. All you need to know about Di is that she is a big Geordie lass.
Emboldened by this I pulled myself up to my full 5ft 2 3/4ins.
"Don't you dare speak to me like that. Get out of my shop before I call security"
He stared at me for about two minutes before walking right to the door of the shop and turning to shout. "You're a fucking cunt you know that".

Two weeks later he came back in and had a test which he was on time for and spent £500. Twat.
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 15:49, 5 replies)
Us little people have to stick together
*pulls self up to full 5ft 3 1/4ins*

(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 16:58, closed)
This would have been much better
if the big black guy had gone all LA law on his cracker ass. Imagine that, a bar room brawl in a vision express!
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 17:59, closed)
*dreamy stare*

I do wish I could watch assholes like that being put in their place. Just once in a while.
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 21:00, closed)
fucking silly arse
i'd like you all to know, i'm not a thug... but i am 6'1, and will quite gladly deck anyone acting like that toward a little guy. lets hope he bought the wrong glasses. cunt.
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 21:17, closed)
That's a little girl
Not guy. :-)
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 22:07, closed)

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