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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Made me a bad customer.

Yeah, bastards...
I bought my SV650 second hand from a dealer who gave me a good deal. Nice bike, good set of leathers. Anyway I failed my test and spoke kindly to the shop who said no problem, we have space to store it.

I managed to pick the bike up with Carol my partner a few weeks later. She having been a motorcycle mechanic and Rider instructor a couple of years previously.

So the bike is brought out to us and the shop guy tries to teach Carol how to start the engine. Only it is dead. A non starter. So he goes to get a battery booster. Carol is not impressed.

The shop guy starts the engine and it runs for two minutes before cutting out. Oh the frustration. Shop guy assures us that he had only just prepared the bike for delivery. Carol tells him the battery is very flat due to the alarm they fitted and it not being run for weeks.

They start to dismantle the bike in the street, Carol looks visibly annoyed and tells them to bump start the bike. Oh no they say, it is a problem with something else.

They leave the bike looking tatty and I am livid. The shop guy tells me that my attitude is not helping him repair my bike. Maybe I should come back tomorrow. It is after all only a three hundred mile round trip from here!

Shop guy bumps the bike and it runs down the road and the lovely Suzuki motor is purring. Carol and I climb aboard and hit the street. Engine dies...

I storm back into the shop... Why can't they supply me with the working motorcycle they promised me when I visited the week before to complete the sale and organise a collection date? Shop Guys gets stressed and tells me that he is not amused by my attitude.

He takes bike back and they hit it with a battery booster again. Oh a surprise, the battery was flat. The engine bounces off of the limiter, Carol clenches her teeth and tries not to destroy the little man with her violent wit (and kevlar gloves).

Engine now running, we hit the traffic and head up the motorway. Twenty minutes later the battery is nicely charged and the bike is wonderful. Carol is grinning from ear to ear, she was not expecting so much from such a "Small" bike.

Back home I notice a sticker... Alpha Dot... They claim that Suzuki recommend them. Suzuki say other wise. Alpha Dot inform me when, after two weeks of trying, I finally get through on the phone that should my bike be stolen the bits will be returned to the owner registered with them. Oh I say, I have just bought the bike, so that will be me then. But I was so wrong... Why would they do that? Getting more cross that they refuse to believe that I bought the bike, I ask them what I should do. "Well madam, you can pay us a large pile of cash to register the bike in your name instead!" No thanks, you incompetent cretins. Phone is returned to the receiver...
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 16:59, 10 replies)
You bought an SV650? And your motorcycle mechanic/instructor partner said nothing to dissaude you?

An SV650!

(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 17:25, closed)
Umm, what?
Can someone translate this story into English please?
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 17:49, closed)
At Evil ... Ooh you meany...
I bought my Bike before I met Carol. She came afterwards and picked the bike up for me. To be honest she did make some very disparaging comments about my Little motor bike, but once she rode it, she said it was lovely, a perfect little sports bike for her perfect little girlfriend. OK, so it is not a GSXR or an R1, but if I had one of them I would end up scaring myself stupid or killing myself. The SV is perfect and it fits me like it was made for me. My feet touch down safely and the power is spot on. I love my bike, nearly as much as I love my Girlfriend... Mind you I was a bitch in the Bike shop!
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 17:59, closed)
fuck all wrong with the sv. makes for a wicked birds bike. i would personally have a bandit 600 though, value for money or what!

you should report the dealer to trading standards. all bike dealers are know it all cocks.

happy riding chick :-)
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 20:55, closed)
The dealer should have ensured the battery was charged before you picked your bike up for sure, but its hardly a case for trading standards. If you weren't happy with them, take your cash somewhere else..

As for my comment on the SV, they are a touch gutless, but handle well as they are light, the bandit 600 is however, gutless and handles crap because it weighs eight metric tonnes, hornet or FZ6 is a better choice anyday!

I'd ignore the alpha dot thing, I've worked for motorcycle dealer for five years and not one person has ever got their bike back because of these "tags". its a waste of money. but then i say the same thing about alarms! more hassle than their worth
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 8:11, closed)
I've got an SV650!
Passed my test in late July and picked it up three days later.

I'm a fella and it suits me fine - 0-60 in under 5 seconds and 130mph is still more than you can ever use on the road anyway.

When I can get my knee down consistently and excel on a track, then I might think about upgrading. ;-)
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 16:41, closed)
There's alot of SV650 owners on here!

*runs to the hills from mid-sized V-twin sports bike owners! DAMN YOU ALL!!!
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 19:13, closed)
Damn straight
You'd better keep running or we'll set our predictable, linear power delivery loose!

*shakes fist*
(, Tue 9 Sep 2008, 23:27, closed)

Have just taken delivery of a shiny demo on of these! its a bit odd!

(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 10:56, closed)
I love my SV
It makes me smile and when it hits 100mph at 7500 rpm, it makes me do something else too.

*Crosses eyes and thanks the lord for Nerve Endings and girlfriends who like to ride fast!*
(, Wed 10 Sep 2008, 15:48, closed)

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