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This is a question Customers from Hell

The customer is always right. And yet, as 'listentomyopinion' writes, this is utter bollocks.

Tell us of the customers who were wrong, wrong, wrong but you still had to smile at (if only to take their money.)

(, Thu 4 Sep 2008, 16:42)
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Not strictly a customer (aka Driving School Japes pt 3)
...but it made me laugh.

One of the instructors was dropping off a pupil after a lesson. Said pupil lived in a block of flats, and the instructor had her pull into a residents' parking bay.

Just as the pupil switched off the engine, a head poked itself out of the window of one of the flats.
"Oh god, it's him," said the pupil, "my neighbour. I swear he's got it in for me."

She wasn't wrong. As soon as this neighbour saw who was driving the car, the head retracted back through the window, to shortly reappear through the door of the block, with the rest of the neighbour attached.

"How dare you?" He asked the instructor,
"Can't you see this is resident's parking?"
The instructor tried to point out that (a) she wasn't parked here, she was just stopping to drop off her pupil and (b) the pupil was driving the car, and she was a resident anyway.

But he wasn't going to let it drop. He continued in this vein until the instructor - who, it must be said, is an incredibly friendly and good-natured person - lost her patience. She wound up the window and muttered,
"Oh, why don't you just fuck off?"

Unfortunately he heard her.
"HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME? Your phone number's printed on this car: I'm going to phone your manager immediately!"
And off he stormed, back into the block of flats.

Back in the office, as I sat idly doing bugger all, the phone rang. Just as I'm about to launch into the standard "Good afternoon, how may I help you?", I'm stopped by the instructor's voice:
"Crow, it's L****, I'm coming back to the office. The phone is about to ring. For god's sake, don't pick it up."

Lo and behold, a few seconds later the phone begins to ring. And after the first ring, her car pulls up outside the office. She looks like she's in a rush.
"L***, it's ringing - what the hell's going on?"
"I'll explain. Just a second."
And with that, she picks up the ringing telephone and shouts
"Why don't you just FUCK OFF?"
Before hanging up.

I really hope it was that pupil's neighbour on the other end of the line*. I would love to have seen his face.

Apologies for length; I'm more embarrassed by my flagrant switching of tenses during the story. Sorry!

*At least, I didn't receive any phone calls to complain that day, so I'm going to assume she either got the right chap or scared off some nervous 17-year old who'd just called to book a lesson...
(, Mon 8 Sep 2008, 18:33, Reply)

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