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This is a question Embarrassing Injuries

Sometimes your mind isn't quite on the job in hand, the throes of passion get, well, passionate and something goes painfully wrong. Ok, so you wouldn't tell your mates how you got injured, but you can tell us... we won't laugh. Much.

(, Thu 2 Sep 2004, 10:25)
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Running over self
Okay, so I'm driving back from the Lake district to York, after enjoying a nice new-years couple of days with some friends. There are four of us in the car, it's looking like it'll be a long drive, there's still snow on the ground, and I'm getting a mite peeved with all the traffic in front of me.

"I know," someone said, "Why don't we find a back-road route to avoid all of this traffic?" No sooner had these words left my mouth, then my brain decided to disconnect completely. The first turning, which we took to the right, was stopped almost immediately by a gate. Why I hadn't seen the gate before making the turn, I don't know, but there we go.

So, I decide to fight my way *through* the traffic to the road on the opposite side. Quite a snowy road. One on which no gritting had taken place. As the road started winding upwards, there were a few moments when the wheels slipped, but we were generally making progress.

However, the steepness of the road increased, and so did the amount of wheel slippage. Then - suddenly, we could see the end. Just six feet away, the road was completely free from snow. However, the car just couldn't seem to make those final six feet (might be something to do with all of the kayaks on the roof, all the people, their kit, etc).

"I know," someone immensly stupid, and no longer using their brain said, "let's get out and push."

The three passengers took up their positions behind the car. I took up my position at the drivers door, to steer, and to release the handbrake. They braced, I removed the handbrake, the car moved forwards two feet. Then Andy slipped, the two girls couldn't help keep the momentum, the car started slipping downhill, and they ran out of the way. Quickly.

I, however, love my little car, and didn't fancy having to fill in the insurance form, so I reached back in the car to apply the handbrake. This didn't seem to stop the car, so I also attempted to steer the car towards the wall on the right hand side. By the time I had done this, my feet were approximately level with the front of the wheels, and my legs were bending in an impressive way, under the door.

Once the car had come to a halt (thankfully using a previously created dent in the car to cushion the blow with the wall), my friends were a mite concerned, since they couldn't see me. I was a mite concerned, because I had felt the wheel travelling OVER part of my legs.

I pulled myself upright, appeared to be in one piece, got everyone back together, we got in the car, and then went and joined the traffic jam again, me enjoying the rush of adrenaline that only a near death experience can create.

The next day, however, I discovered the bruising running from approximately my Kidneys down as far as my knees, and couldn't walk properly for about two weeks.
(, Sat 4 Sep 2004, 12:06, Reply)

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