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This is a question Embarrassing Injuries

Sometimes your mind isn't quite on the job in hand, the throes of passion get, well, passionate and something goes painfully wrong. Ok, so you wouldn't tell your mates how you got injured, but you can tell us... we won't laugh. Much.

(, Thu 2 Sep 2004, 10:25)
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Two Beauties
Both left scars dead centre of my fore-head, still clearly visible now. First was when i was about 3 give or take, and involved me getting a little too close to a metal swing. A classic spang ensued, and either from being 3 or taking a mighty whack to the head, i dont really remember much else.

The second came about 5 years later. Saw my cat and, being young, chased it. Around our car. Just as my brother gets out. Left a perfect line down the middle of my forehead, about an inch or two long. Car doors arent that sharp, but can still do some damage if you run into them fast enough! Got some sticky stitches for that. Was proud of my battle scars at the time. Oh the joys of youth!
(, Sat 4 Sep 2004, 12:25, Reply)

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