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This is a question Embarrassing Injuries

Sometimes your mind isn't quite on the job in hand, the throes of passion get, well, passionate and something goes painfully wrong. Ok, so you wouldn't tell your mates how you got injured, but you can tell us... we won't laugh. Much.

(, Thu 2 Sep 2004, 10:25)
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embarrassing injuries
A few weeks after my 16th birthday I jad saved enough money from washing pots to buy myself a little motorbike. Being an Evel Kenevel wannabee I spent some time seeking out a 50cc bike that had had its' engine replaced with that of an 80cc engine.

I had to bring it home on my big brother's trailer as I hadn't insured it yet. However, by about midnight the excitment (and the spliffs, alcohol and valium) got too much and I decided to take it out for a test drive.

The electricxs were dodgy and the headlights didn't work, but I decided the unlit country roads would be less likely to contain cops.

I had heard about a nightdriving technique which involves watching the tops of hedgerows (the sky is always marinally lighter) to guide yourself along. It's a shit technique.

I rode straight into a horizontal metal bar that hit me in the chest while my bike continued into the field.

I got home and went to bed rather sheepishly. The next morning I woke up to find myself in a lot of pain and my bed clothes stuck to me with a lot of dried blood. Two metal spikes on the bar had pierced my neck. I had also fractured my sternum (the bone that holds your rib cage together) and dislocated my spine.

My misery didn't end there however.

A week later I was waiting for a bus (while my bike was being repaied). I yawned and stretched and my rib cage broke in two with a loud crack. I hit the floor like a sack of spuds.

I moaned "get me an ambulance" to the old lady also waitin for a bus. She called the police instead. Suspiciois bitch
(, Sat 4 Sep 2004, 14:42, Reply)

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