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This is a question Embarrassing Injuries

Sometimes your mind isn't quite on the job in hand, the throes of passion get, well, passionate and something goes painfully wrong. Ok, so you wouldn't tell your mates how you got injured, but you can tell us... we won't laugh. Much.

(, Thu 2 Sep 2004, 10:25)
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I now live on a hill
and on the 3rd day at this house,i was going down the 50 metre hill on my scooter VERY FUCKING FAST. So i stomped on the brakes which started to get hot(as they do).this was about the point when i noticed i wasn't wearing shoes.

so what do you do,going 60-80 Kilometres down a hill,unable to brake?you put your foot down.well i did.so i jumped off.1 loss of skin and 3 bleeding toes later,i was sitting in my room absolutely stinging and screaming in pain when i decided to "check the damage".i took my pants off to inspect my knee and my balls were swollen to three times as big!!So i just sat,not moving,until the pain went down a bit(took three hours).didn't go to the doctors because my nuts were back to normal the net morning.
(, Sun 5 Sep 2004, 12:10, Reply)

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