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This is a question Pointless Experiments

Pavlov's Frog writes: I once spent 20 minutes with my eyes closed to see what it was like being blind. I smashed my knee on the kitchen cupboard, and decided I'd be better off deaf as you can still watch television.

(, Thu 24 Jul 2008, 12:00)
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Crash Test Idiot
Not me but a lad called Ivan who was one of the lads I used to hang about with as a kid in the 80's as I lived in the country and wasn't exactly spoiled for choice when it came to friends.

We were going up and down a driveway on our Grifters going over a pathetic little ramp which isn't all it's cracked up to be as you can't really get much air on a two wheeled tank so he decided a much better thing to do would be to test his dads crash helmet by going straight into the side of a stone barn.

After 100 yards of trying to get up to top speed he smacked into the wall tyre first followed by his head and the noise was horrendous then he dropped to the ground moaning whilst we all pissed ourselves.

10 minutes later he was on his his feet and asking if anyone else wanted a go at attempting to lose the use of our legs but we gave it a miss and went to climb a tree or something.

I don't know if this had anything to do with the fact that throughout the rest of Primary school he was a total basket case and was off with problems in his neck on a regular basis but it could just have been that he was an inbred fuckwit.
(, Fri 25 Jul 2008, 16:30, Reply)

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