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This is a question Family codes and rituals

Freddy Woo writes, "as a child we used to have a 'whoever cuts doesn't choose the slice' rule with cake. It worked brilliantly, but it's left me completely anal about dividing up food - my wife just takes the piss as I ritually compare all the slice sizes."

What codes and rituals does your family have?

(, Thu 20 Nov 2008, 18:05)
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I'm sure I'm autistic
As a child, every time we drove over a bridge I would shout 'NOTHING'. When we drove past the Chloride factory on our way to Tesco me and my brtoher would hold our breath (no fun if you were caught unawares and hadn't aken a big gulp) and I've now noticed that most of the people that sit in my passenger seat now salute single magpies in the most theatrical not really saluting them manner - touching an eyebrow or eye, as if this makes them appear less weird and nobody will notice.
(, Sat 22 Nov 2008, 16:14, Reply)

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