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This is a question Best Films Ever

We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
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It was okay
But I dislike the fact that the film tries to cast the original Guido Fawkes as some sort of hero standing up against oppression.

Infact he was just a minor member of a French and Vatican sponsored terrorist group whose aim was to destroy our elected government and put us back under the yoke of the Papist oppressors we had only a few generations cast off. Democracy meant something in 1605, and England, Scotland and the Netherlands were about the only countries that really had it (and by coincidence - or maybe not - were also Protestant countries too).

Catholic tyrants all over Europe were clamouring to re-subjugate England back under the Papist yoke - lest their own people get into their ideas about liberty and individual freedoms.

The whole purpose of the Gunpowder Plot was to leave England ripe for an invasion by France. Guido Fawkes was a traitor who tried to sell-out his country to a foreign despot.

Although that bit towards the end of the film where he kills all those dudes who have guns with two knives is pretty rad.
(, Tue 22 Jul 2008, 11:44, Reply)

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