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This is a question Guilty Secrets

We were shocked - nay, disgusted - to read on an internet discussion forum of a chap's confession that his darkest, guiltiest secret was that he recently cracked one out over press photos of tragic MILF Kate McCann. He reasoned that "she's a good Catholic girl and looks dirty, so she'd probably go bareback".

What guilty secrets can you no longer keep to yourself?

(, Fri 31 Aug 2007, 12:22)
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My Guilty Secret
A few years ago I stayed with my mate at his girlfriend's house for New Years Eve. We all went out, got arseholed, and unbeknownst to me my mate's girlfriend dropped an E. We get back, he goes to bed, and suddenly she was all over me like a rash. We snogged for a bit and that was it, but had her mum not been in the room (yes, you did read that right) I definitely would have "allowed it to be taken" further. Still, when her mum told her about it the next day, and she "didn't remember" (ahem, yer right) it and promptly told him, I persuaded him that it was all her fault and I had to push her away. What I didn't tell him is that I blatantly kissed her back, more than once, and that I enjoyed it.

Sorry mate, but she was up for it.

Interesting side note, I believe she's done this with at least one other person since me, and others before me.

Rather him than me, I say.
(, Mon 3 Sep 2007, 13:26, Reply)

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