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This is a question Gyms

Getting fit should come with a health warning, warns PJM. "In my pursuit of the body beautiful, I've broken three exercise bikes and two running machines, concussed myself and, most distressingly, bruised my testicles." And he's yet to try and get out of his contract...

(, Thu 9 Jul 2009, 13:45)
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Fact 2

Talk to any cardiologist and they'll tell you that your heart only has a finite number of beats in it. This is fixed at birth - all down to your genes.

So, when you go haring around, pushing your heart-rate up, you're actually using up loads of your precious heart-beats.(1)

Think about it...


(1) May contain doses of complete lie.....
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 14:32, 9 replies)
Isn't this an urban myth?

(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 14:42, closed)
I stand by every single word in that post.(1)

And I should know - my missus is a surgeon.


(1) especially the bit marked (1)
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 15:00, closed)
I thought it was true
Elephants, for example, have slow heart rates but live for ages.

Humming Birds, on the other hand, have very fast heart rates and live for a short time.

I'm prepared to believe it.
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 15:58, closed)
On a species basis, it's kind of true
But it's meaningless to apply the theory to individual humans.

I do like the idea of it though. My heart beat is about 57 at rest.
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 16:19, closed)
True, very true
I've also heard that running can make you shorter. If you run half a mile once a week you could end up an entire foot shorter than you were originally after a year.

(This is why midgets are so fit).
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 15:46, closed)
You're damn right they're fit
*fwaps over midget porn*
(, Fri 10 Jul 2009, 18:55, closed)
Yep, it's true!
And did you know that you only have a set number of crazy stories to tell before you have a stroke? I heard it from my father's uncle's brother's cousin's former roommate. That, or I read it on the Internet ... I forget.
(, Sat 11 Jul 2009, 7:03, closed)
If its on the internets
it must be true.
(, Sat 11 Jul 2009, 10:26, closed)
That's nice
All that haring around for a couple of hours a week has given me a lower resting heartrate than if I were a fatty fatty boom boom. So according to you I've extended my life expectancy. WIN (or possibly not, depending on future zombie apocalypse scenarios).
(, Mon 13 Jul 2009, 12:01, closed)

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