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This is a question Heckles

Forget the drunk bloke at the back yelling incoherent nonsense. Sometimes a well placed heckle can raise a mediocre act to a brilliant night out.
Tell us your best heckles and, if you are brave, the retorts that put you back in your place like the maggot you are.

(, Thu 6 Apr 2006, 13:13)
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Leeds fans CAN be funny
2 good Leeds stories (honest)....

During halftime at the Crystal Palace - Leeds FA Cup game, Neil Morrissey came out to do a halftime prize draw. Several thousand Leeds fans broke out with "There's only one Les Dennis"

(If you don't know, Les Dennis divorced then wife Amanda Holden for having an affair with Neil Morrissey).

Morrissey started laughing and applauded the Leeds fans for their bit of fun. I doubt he was expecting that when he walked out.

This one really is excellent though...

There was a local singer in Leeds about to release her first single and she made a BIG mistake... performing at halftime during a football game.

She wasn't the nicest to look at and was just more than a bit overweight.

She had a troop of dancers with her to dance to the song she was singing.

ANYWAY... (this is going somewhere) There was a man with a video camera which sent the images to the video board and he was filming it so everyone could see better.

During the routine the fans in the stadium started cheering when the video would focus on some of the dancing girls, but loud boos rang out when the camera went back on the singer.

This went on for about 4-5 minutes and the woman was in tears when she went off.

This is now a favorite clip on Soccer AM. I hurt myself laughing so hard during that 5 minutes.

I don't think I've ever seen almost 40,000 people heckling one person before. It was truly a great sight to behold.
(, Fri 7 Apr 2006, 23:18, Reply)

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