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This is a question Injured Siblings

My sister and I were always fighting. She's still got a large chunk of pencil lead embedded in her hand from where I stabbed her once. What's the worst you've done to your siblings?

(, Thu 18 Aug 2005, 12:46)
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wow i have a lot
my older sister and i would tie up our little sister a lot.
this included tying her to the basketball pole with jump ropes and leaving her there for hours until our mother would come up and find her there.
tying her into the bed of the little red wagon and push her down the driveway and leave her in the middle of the street on her back in the texas heat for hours until mom would come home.
we also got really good at shoving her into cabinents and leaving her there for.. yeah hours.

we also learned a neat trick of tying her upside down by her ankles to an open door. she wasn't strong enough to pick herself up off the doorknob. and when she was able to lift herself up the door would swing and smack her in the back and she would go limp
while my sister and i would lay in the living room watching cartoons listening to
*smack* cry ...pause...*smack* cry.... pause

eventually my little sister wised up to us. and with the unfortunate gift of a baton from our parents for christmas,she soon began extracting revenge on us in the form of bruises and broken fingers and a near miss of a broken nose.

there was also the time we were leaving a restuarant and my little sister and i were racing for the car to get the front seat. and i intentially grabbed her shoulder and expertly took her ankles out from under her being the footie player that i am.. and promptly dive bombed her into the concrete. she slid about 5 yards on her face and stomach before coming to a complete stop.

as for my older sister.. i only really got her good once.
my grandmother had a small chest in her hallway.. and by small i mean it was about 2feet X 2feet X 2feet
and i told her to climb in and lets see if she fit. so she did and we closed it. and i hit the latch and locked her in. and walked into the living room. she sat cramped into this tiny space for about 2 hours until she woke up my mom who was sleeping in the bedroom next to the chest by rocking and making the chest hit the wall.
i got into so much troule for that and to this day she has back problems because of it

sorry for the longness
(, Fri 19 Aug 2005, 5:49, Reply)

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