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This is a question Lies Your Parents Told You

I once overheard a neighbour use the phrase "nig nog". I asked my father what it meant. As quick as a flash he said, "It's a type of biscuit. A bit like a hobnob." Can you beat this? BTW: We're keeping this thread open for an extra week as we're enjoying the stories so much.

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:29)
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I had a mean family
These lies are probably the reason I have an over-active immagination to this day:

My great grandmother: "If swallow gum, it will stick to your ribs for 7 years." AND "If you put to much sugar in your tea, you'll get worms in your stomach." I wondered if when I swallowed gum, I could just have some extra sugar in my tea and the worms would eat it off my ribs, but I was too creeped out to try.

My older brother: Told me if I didn't build little houses out of sticks in the yard, sprites would come and kill me in my sleep by sawing my head off with mini-axes. I spent the whole day in the backyard feverishly building tiny fairy homes with twigs and leaves until my mother put an end to my fears. Turns out he used the homes to play with his little warrior figurines. Smart kid.

Dad: Told me if I ate asparagus I could walk on water. I spent the evening falling into the pool with a stomach full of asparagus. Took years to eat another one.
(, Sat 17 Jan 2004, 16:28, Reply)

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