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This is a question Drugs

Tell us your pharmaceutically-influenced anecdotes, legal or otherwise. We promise not to dob you in to The Man.

Thanks to sanityclause for the suggestion

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 13:30)
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Wisdome Teeth Out
I was one of the last in our small group of half a dozen or so poor sods who needed their wisdom teeth pulling.
While waiting for my op, the nurses were wheeling back those who had been done, all drugged up, heads lolling, moaning and bloody faces. I was bricking it :(
Then a nurse came and handed me 2 pre-med tablets to take. They looked like the little chewable vitc tablets I used to have as a nipper. God knows what they were but 20 minutes later I was trying to push my own trolley to the op theatre at top speed with my arse hanging out of the gown.
And after the op, I can vaguely remember a nurse sticking a needle in my arse then slapping it. I Like to think it was something nice.
(, Fri 17 Sep 2010, 16:04, Reply)

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