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This is a question Pet Stories

When one of my cats was younger and a lot fatter, he came bowling in from the garden with an almighty crash. Looking slightly stunned, he'd arrived into the kitchen having ripped the cat flap from the door and was still wearing it as a cat-tutu. Did I mention he was quite fat?

In honour of Jake, a well loved cat, who died on Wednesday, tell us your pet stories and cheer us up.

(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 9:15)
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Fatdog and Adventure Ears, Part 3.
One of the things that Adventure Ears obsesses over is the garden hose. If I get out the hose and put on the nozzle, she will chase the stream of water around the yard trying to catch it. She'll hold her mouth wide open so she can get it, but at the same time she really wants to bark at it- so she ends up running around the yard screaming like Steve Ballmer.

Ever seen a cat chase a laser pointer? That's what Adventure Ears does if I spray around the yard, and will try her best to chase it up a tree.

She is also fascinated by lawn sprinklers to the point of almost drowning herself. Take a look for yourself: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiZxjx9OBXY

(Apologies for the crap quality of the video- camera phones are not the best for this sort of thing.)
(, Fri 8 Jun 2007, 16:42, Reply)

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