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This is a question What's the hardest you've tried to get dumped?

Groovypoodle writes, "My mate once told his girlfriend that he didn't think it was working only for her to laugh and tell him he was hilarious. Saying she was 'too weird' and 'slightly violent' and that he didn't like her was equally hilarious. Ripping off her wing mirror, throwing it through the windscreen
and storming off in a huff merely generated an apology from her a week later..."

Just how hard have you had to work to get someone to take the hint and stay dumped?

(, Thu 5 Jun 2008, 10:33)
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stalking sex is not fun...
I had a spanish girl at Uni. She was older, fit and the sex was great, but she was also moody, unhinged - frankly, mental. After a while, enough was enough, so I split with her after she threw knives at me (seriously) and was spotted by my flatmate kissing her ex at a club we had gone to. Result - I have a reason to dump, guilt-free!

Job done, I'm happy as larry until I start bumping into her everywhere - it's a bit awkward at first, as it is when you see most exes, but this because a regular thing: buying milk from Uni shop, she's there, picking up my post, she's there - until one day she's even waiting outside my lectures (I did Chemistry, she was doing English - it's not like we were sharing a subject). All our mutual friends start to harrass me as she's telling them I am stalking her! It came to a head when a posse of her female flatmates turned up at my door demanding I move on a leave Sylvia alone (for that was her name) - I then asked them to leave as my Latvian ex-schoolmate girlfriend was in the shower at the time... They took the hint and the spanish nutter left the course at the end of the term, never to return. Huzzah!
(, Mon 9 Jun 2008, 16:37, Reply)

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