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This is a question Prejudice

"Are you prejudiced?" asks StapMyVitals. Have you been a victim of prejudice? Are you a columnist for a popular daily newspaper? Don't bang on about how you never judge people on first impressions - no-one will believe you.

(, Thu 1 Apr 2010, 12:53)
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I'm with you there
I to am veggie, but I don't give half a fuck what anyone else eats or does. Chew the face of kittens if you like I don't care.
I hate saying I'm veggie because I can't stand the questions, especially the fucking stupid ones like 'if you were stranded on a desert island and there was nothing there but rabbits what would you do?' Well I'd eat the rabbits. I'm not stupid. But that's not going to happen for the moment so I'll pass thanks.

What I really hate is that everyone seems to feel they have a right to comment on your own personal life choices. I never tell anyone else what to eat, so don't tell me.

Oh and for the 'when a veggie comes for dinner you make them a special dinner but they don't cook you meat when you go to them' discussion comes up; ok fair point, but I've not cooked meat in 15 years. I can make you a cracking veggie dinner or a rubbish meat dinner that may or may not taste shit because I won't have tasted it as I went along.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 9:59, Reply)

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