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This is a question Devastating Put-Downs

Amorous Badger says: I once saw a former manager of mine being asked to 'sit down and let your mouth have a chance to speak' by his senior. What's the best heckle/putdown/riposte you've ever seen? (Hint: Recycled 'Your mum' jokes does not make an answer)

(, Thu 24 Nov 2011, 15:15)
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Sailing on the good ship detention............
Picture the scene.......................

A young me is sat bored out of my brains in a GCSE Maths lesson learning some crap about estimation and percentages or some such other uselessness.

Maths Teacher : "Kickstandrich. How many teachers work in this school?"

You know that moment in life when your brain comes up with an answer but forgets to pass it by the internal censorship control interface? That is exactly what happened to me. I answered the question without giving it due course of thought and paid the price.

Me: "About ten percent of them Miss?"

Cue hearty laughter from classmates and scowl from teacher.

Maths Teacher "Good use of percentages. Now how many days of after school detention do you estimate you will receive for your insolence?"

Me (cursing under my breath) "Two Miss?"

I was wrong by 100% I got four days after school detention from the hateful old bag.

Although every time I see a percentage sign it raises a smile.
(, Thu 24 Nov 2011, 17:58, 1 reply)

"Although every time I see a percentage sign it raises a smile."

Are you the grinning mong I see applying "10% off" stickers to the out-of-date coleslaw at my local Tesco then?
(, Thu 24 Nov 2011, 18:55, closed)

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