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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Irrational rules you live by.
It is wrong for someone to illegally download music by artists who are likely to be in the same or lower wage bracket than the person downloading.

If people walk down a pavement double-file and they expect you to pass them by stepping in the road, then it is perfectly acceptable to barge them out of the way as hard as you want.

If two people are walking in opposite directions on the same side of the pavement, the person walking on the right side should give way, because that's what cars would do. I'm not sure if this rule is reversed on the Continent.

What irrational rules have you created that you get annoyed if people break?
(, Sat 14 May 2011, 15:09, Reply)

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