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This is a question I Quit!

Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."

What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?

(, Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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Please allow me to comment on the words of

"The town owes its growth and prosperity to the 19th century coalfields from which it used to ship coal to southern England and the Continent, but as this declined so did the fortunes of the town."
The place was built on coal and fishing. They've both gone down the shitter and lots of people are on the dole.

"The development of an award-winning marina on the site of the former staithes has brought new life to the town, and it is once again a busy harbour town."
Rich people who have their yachts parked a mile or two away sometimes go into the town for groceries, booze, cigarettes etc.

"Guesthouses, bed and breakfast, and a variety of self-catering facilities are available within and also close by Amble. A caravan and camping site is located at Amble Links, adjacent to coast and harbour. A few miles to the south is Cresswell Towers Holiday Park, offering fun and relaxation for all the family."
Chav families from Sunderland and Newcastle come here to spend their summer DSS hardship loans on caravan holidays and chips with blue fizzy pop.
(, Fri 23 May 2008, 14:09, Reply)

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