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This is a question Real-life slapstick

Fact: When someone walks into a lamp-post it makes a very satisfying and hugely hilarious "Ding!" noise. However, it is not quite so funny when the post is in the middle of town and you are the victim. Tell us about hilarious prat-falls.

Thanks to Bob Todd for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Jan 2010, 12:07)
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Just remembered another one..
.. which should have been at the forefront of my mind due to the permanent scar on the bridge of my now-wonky nose.

After a number of drinks a friend and I were putting the world to rights whilst out smoking in the garden. I was leaning on the washing line, with it under my arms running across my chest. Obviously far more diligently minded than I was at the time, my friend advised me that what I was doing could quite possibly end in tears and placed himself in front of me so that any mishap that could occur would result in me falling into him rather than meeting the ground. In agreement, I stood on my own two feet and stepped away from the washing line while we continued our conversation.

In my state, the above events that had passed not two minutes before soon completely left my conciousness. Without consideration for my friends wise words, nor with the safety net of him standing in front on me, I held the washing line with both hands outstretched and rested my weight on it. It gave way, snapping at the point I was leaning on. My face hit the patio, nose and forehead first, with the frayed ends of the line in each hand...
(, Fri 22 Jan 2010, 1:19, Reply)

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